Period Cramp Constipation and menstrual pain and natural remedies. plus irregular menstruation

Irregular Menstruation: Health Risk, What To Do

Irregular menstruation is one thing a woman of reproductive age should not pray for. Indeed, a regular menstruation is one of the very things that reassures a lady she still has some eggs.

At least, to a large extent, it gives her rest of mind that she is still reproductive, even though she is not trying to conceive.

But there is more to irregular menstruation and that is why Julie is afraid as a second month ends.

Her menstruation has gone on holidays. She could not place her hand on why she is having irregular menstruation.

“I have to see my doctor and save myself from this heartache that this situation is causing me,” she said to herself.

There are many ladies out there in Nigeria that are like Julie and they need help.

Sadly, some relax amidst this condition like all is well.

But is all really well?

Irregular menstruation or menstrual disorder is a problem related to a woman’s normal menstrual cycle.

It comes with symptoms that can disrupt a woman’s daily life.

Above all, it can affect her ability to become pregnant.

But there is more to it and that is one reason every woman should do her best to ensure her period comes when it should.

Before we look at what a research found about this situation and cancer, we will list some causes.

Also, we will look at the symptoms, treatment and other remedies.

Causes Of Irregular Menstruation

Unfortunately, it is not just one thing that causes irregular menstruation.

Some of the common causes are;

1.  Hormonal imbalances

2.  Uterine fibroids

3.  Cancer

4.  Clotting disorders

5.  Genetics

6.  Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

7.  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – cysts on the ovaries

There are different reasons these conditions trigger menstrual disorder. Furthermore, most of these conditions are also triggered by lifestyle choices.

What you eat and how much stress you go through are two major culprits when it comes to lifestyle triggers.

We will suggest what you could do to correct this condition and make menstrual flow return.


Really, there are some symptoms to watch out for if you suspect you have menstrual disorder.

Basically, symptoms of irregular menstruation are abnormal menstrual bleeding, depression, pain or cramping, bloating or fullness in the abdomen, headaches and emotional distress.

When you have these symptoms it will be a good idea to first, go for the necessary tests to be sure.

The truth is that some other health conditions could present these symptoms.


Once you have seen your doctor, he could suggest that you go for hormonal profiling. This will help detect if there is an imbalance that needs to be corrected.

Other tests the doctor may recommend are; ultrasound, hysterosonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, endometrial biopsy and dilation and Curettage (D&C).

Cancer Risk Factor

As a result of the increasing cases of menstrual disorders, the number of studies in this area is increasing.

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In 2016, a study found an association between irregular menstruation and ovarian cancer (1).

According to the study, there is a higher risk for women with irregular cycles.

“These women are easy to identify and many may have polycystic ovarian syndrome.

“Contrary to expectation, women with irregular menstrual cycles had a higher risk of ovarian cancer incidence.”

Researchers also found that the older a lady becomes with the condition persisting, before menopause, the higher the cancer risk.

Indeed, the study highlights the need for women to lower the chances of having menstrual disorder.

Natural Way Of Correcting Irregular Menstruation

Fortunately, there are ways that an individual can address this condition.

The first thing is to look at what you eat and also the stress level. Stress and diet could trigger hormonal imbalance.

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So, experts recommend dietary changes. Look at the amount of salt, caffeine, sugar, and alcohol intake.

Medical treatment is another option. Doctors may recommend hormonal contraceptives and other medicines.

However, if you choose orthodox treatment, you should always remember that if the issue is hormonal imbalance, it makes sense to first tackle the cause(s) of the imbalance.

Diet and stress control should be the first level action you should take.

Finally, surgical treatment could be performed using the under listed processes.

Hysteroscopy. This is a minimally invasive approach that examines and treats areas of concern inside the uterus.

Laparoscopy, using a scope inserted in small incisions in the abdomen

Traditional abdominal techniques

Procedures include endometrial ablation, which destroys the lining of the uterus to stop periods, and hysterectomy, the surgical removal of the uterus.

WATCH: Goron Tula As Natural Remedy For Painful Menstruation

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