health benefits of Ghana kenkey meal. Ghana foods

Kenkey: 10 Things You Should Know About This Ghana Food

Kenkey is a popular Ghana food that other countries, especially in West Africa now enjoy as meals.

In Nigeria for instance, most persons look forward to most evenings with excitement because they would get Kenkey at their usual location.

In fact, one Ghana girl won my heart back then because she offered me this meal every evening I visited her small kiosk where she sold it.

It is a story for another day.

But fresh in my mind are my days in Voice of Nigeria, in Ikoyi area of Lagos State.

I often go for this meal at least twice a week. It is sold very close to a fuel station at Obalende. Everyone who eats it has a favourite spot for it.

Really, Kenkey is one meal that is carefully made from corn. The process of making it is one of the reasons we are writing this article.

That process is crucial when you consider whether Ghana Kenkey meal is healthy or not.

Basically, there are 2 different types of Kenkey meal – Fante Kenkey and Ga Kenkey.

Fante Kenkey is mostly produced in the Central and Western Regions while the Ga Kenkey is very common with the people of Ewe, Akan and the Greater Accra Region.

However, two of them are kneaded corn dough cooked in dried plantain leaves or corn husk.

Also, you serve both with a sauce that contains pepper, onions, meat, fish or shrimps.

I often prefer t eat it with fried fish.

How To Prepare Kenkey

Preparing this meal is a bit close to the way Nigerians prepare pap (ogi).

First, you will need to get some dry corn and soak them in water for a day.

After that, you will sieve the water and take the corn to a mill.

Once you are home, knead the milled corn and then leave it for another day. 

You will then divide the corn into three portions. Cook one portion and stir while you cook to get a smooth texture.

Afterwards, mix the uncooked portions with the cooked portion.

Make sure that you do not use plenty of water so that it will have a thick and smooth texture.

You will then form balls from the dough in dry corn husk or plantain leaves.

Afterwards, cook the balls for some time in a big barrel or pot.

Check the level of water at intervals to ensure that the water in the pot does not dry up.

Once it is ready, you will then prepare your sauce with tomato, pepper and onion.

Is Kenkey Healthy For You?

This corn meal goes through a process that makes it healthy and indeed one of the healthiest meals in Ghana.

According to a study, fermenting corn causes a significant increase in protein, most kind of amino acid and total phenolic content.

However, while these increases in the above nutrients happen, fermentation also lowers phytic acid content significantly (1).

Health Benefits Of Kenkey

This phytic acid for most people, is a healthy plant compound. It is an antioxidant that may also lower risk of kidney stones and cancer in humans.

It is also considered an anti-nutrient that could reduce absorption of some nutrients in corn.

1.     Full Of Nutrients

Basically, one cup (164 grams) of sweet yellow corn contains:

  • Calories: 177 calories
  • Carbs: 41 grams
  • Protein: 5.4 grams
  • Fat: 2.1 grams
  • Fiber: 4.6 grams
  • Vitamin C: 17% of the daily value (DV)
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1): 24% of the DV
  • Folate (vitamin B9): 19% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 11% of the DV
  • Potassium: 10% of the DV

It is also rich in vitamins A, E and K, vitamins like pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamine and niacin.

Remember that fermentation of corn for Kenkay increases the level of some of the nutrients above.

While vitamin A is amazing for the eyes, vitamins E and C help boost your immune system. They also contain antioxidant properties that lower inflammation.

2.     Could Lower Risk Of Heart Disease

This is another benefit that vitamin C and E offer you.

A study says oxidation has been linked to numerous possible conditions and diseases (2).

Some of the diseases it highlights are cancer, ageing, arthritis and cataracts.

However, vitamin E is effective against these chronic diseases.

Inflammation could also cause heart disease, but consuming Kenkey could lower the risk.

3.     Lowers Risk Of Fatty Liver

This corn meal is full of fibre and that reduces the chances of cholesterol sneaking into your bloodstream.

The liver is one of the organs that high cholesterol in your body could affect.

But with the presence of vitamin E and fibre in Kenkey there is less cholesterol manufactured by the liver cells.

People who have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease could eat this meal to get this benefit it offers.

4.      Could Boost Fertility

Folate is one of the supplements doctors often recommend for women who are trying to conceive.

Corn contains a good amount of folate and this could help a woman who is trying to conceive.

Kenkey is also a rich source of phosphorus, manganese, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium and iron.

These nutrients are great for the proper flow of blood to the reproductive organ.

Remember that the nutrient level of a woman could be the reason she is not conceiving. The foetus needs to draw from the nutrients that are already in the body the moment conception happens.

5.      High In Antioxidants

Furthermore, the meal is rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals like lutein, zeaxanthin, anthocyanin, caffeic acid, vanillic acid and protocatechuic acid.

Other antioxidants in the meal are syringic acid, beta-carotene, coumaric acid and ferulic acid.

These antioxidants are great for the proper function of the body system.

They arrest antibodies that cause inflammation and or oxidative stress which could further cause chronic diseases.

6.     Lowers Blood Pressure

Oxidative stress could cause rise in blood pressure (3).

But the antioxidants in this Ghana meal could help lower the markers.

7.     Kenkey Could Improve Eyesight

Vitamin A is one of the nutrients that are in Kenkey.

Oxidative stress also affects eyesight, but lowering this oxidation would improve the eyesight of the individual.

8.    Lowers Blood Sugar Level

Most importantly, Kenkey is full of fibre and this helps slow down the speed at which the sugar gets to the bloodstream when you consume it.

Furthermore, it is often eaten with onions in the sauce and onions is also said to help lower blood sugar (4).

9.    Kenkey Benefits To Your Digestive System

During fermentation, the corn picks up some healthy bacteria that benefits your digestive system.

Also, the antioxidants in the meal feed the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract and improve gut health.

10.   Kenkey Is Amazing For Weight Control

Moderate consumption of this meal would give an amazing result to anyone who is on weight management.

It is full of fibre which helps you stay full.

Also, it reduces the movement of cholesterol from your intestine to your arteries.

However, it is important to ensure that the sauce does not contain much oil.

Really, to much oil could bring in more fat that your body would need to fight.

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Thank you for reading.


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