Lentils Health benefits and how to cook. Protein for vegetarians and vegans

Lentils: Health Benefits | How To Cook | Where To Find

If you are a Nigerian reading this, it is possible that you have not seen this grain before.

Also, you may have seen it somewhere without knowing what it is.

Lentils have so much benefits that you should know. They will really motivate you to try it.

Few days ago, one of our customer we recommended this to shared her husband’s reaction to the meal.

Lentils are part of the meals we recommend after reviewing a client’s medical report and considering foods that would promote healing of the ailment.

She began. “I took delivery of my lentils and showed it to my husband when he returned from work.

First, he thought it was a wax that had been degraded to small pellets.

“What are these?” He asked. “Lentils,” I responded.

He was shocked that the orange colour pellets were grains.

“God is just awesome,” He said.

“How will this taste?” He asked and I responded: “Wait and see”.

Enticing Aroma

One evening, I decided to prepare lentils as dinner for him, as recommended by the health coach and I was startled when he came to the kitchen.

He was busy working and seeing him there was the last thing I expected.

“Are you cooking chicken?” He asked.

He had perceived the aroma of lentils. The aroma is really close to that of seaming chicken.

My husband could not believe the wax-looking lentils could produce such enticing aroma.

Few minutes later the lentils were ready.

As we ate, he made another observation which people from the eastern part of Nigeria could relate with.

“It tastes like ukwa,” he said.

He was right.  That is exactly how lentils taste.

We slept that night and when he woke up, we check his health markers and found so much difference that gives rest of mind.

Lentils exist as a spectrum of colors, which includes yellow, orange, red, green, brown or black, depending on the cultivar, the composition of the seed coats and cotyledons (1).

It is cultivated in different parts of the world, Canada and India leading in the categories.

Lentils are known to be a good source of prebiotics and have nutritionally important quantities of prebiotic carbohydrates.

Nutritional Fact Of Lentils

This grain is full of nutrients that are beneficial to both men and women.

According to the earlier cited study, lentils are rich source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc.

Also, they offer your body antioxidants, protein, carbohydrate, vitamin C, B6, B12, E, K, A , thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate.

Also, lentils are rich source of fatty acids.

Health Benefits Of Lentils

1.       Boosts Your Immune System

Everyday, you are exposed to toxins and diseases-causing germs. You need a strong immune system to be able to ward off these diseases-causing agents.

Lentils are good source of vitamin C and other vitamins that help boost your immune system.

They have a bioactive peptide – “defensing”. It is isolated from germinated lentil seeds.

This compound possesses a broad spectrum of biological activities.

According to a study, defensing is a group of “host defense peptides” synthesized in the lentil seeds, which are involved in the development of innate immunity (2).

2.      Protects Against Bacteria, Virus, Fungi

Bacteria is one of the micro organisms that attack your body and lentils can help keep them away.

Interestingly, a study says defensing in lentils has antimicrobial activities against various infections associated with bacteria and fungi (3) .

3.     Improves Your Digestive Health

According to a study, the carbohydrates help to keep up the gut microbial environment and prevent gut-associated diseases (4).

The study found that among 23 pulses, lentils yield the second highest starch percentage of 47.1% and a greater percentage of insoluble dietary fibers.

4.    Protects Your Heart Against Diseases

As the number of persons coming down with heart-related diseases increase, lentils are good to add to diet.

According to a study, this legume is relatively low in fat and sodium, but high in potassium content (1:30 ratio of sodium and potassium).

As a result, they serve as the best dietary food  for patients with obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Also, these grains are further great for people with heart disease, because they contain a low level vitamin K, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The daily requirement of this vitamin in adults is about 80 μg, but lentils contains 5 μg (5).

5.    Can Help Lower Blood Sugar

Lentil seeds are excellent source of polyphenols, a group of antioxidants that are associated with the prevention of degenerative diseases in humans such as diabetes, CVD, obesity and more.

When eaten, they load your body with compounds that improve blood glucose, lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. This makes it great for diabetics and healthy human beings

It is rich in fibre and this ensures that there is no sugar spike after food.

Furthermore, the antioxidants in lentils can inhibit α-glucosidase and pancreatic lipase, thereby decreasing glucose and fat digestion and absorption in your intestine.

6.     Lowers Risk Of Certain Cancers

According to a study, lentils, are useful as a prognostic marker for various cancers including colon, thyroid, liver, breast and prostate [6].

After a large prospective epidemiologic study associated with polyphenol-rich lentils and breast cancer on 90,630 women, the grain was found to lower risk of breast cancer [7].

Lentils seeds have a high polyphenolic content. These compounds could prevent carcinogens through chemo-preventive activities.

7.    Lowers Cholesterol

A high level of cholesterol in your blood vessels can trigger heart disease.

But adding lentils to your diet will help ensure that bad fat does not sneak into your arteries from your intestine.

Also, the fibre in it helps ensure that bad cholesterol clears off your intestine with your poo.

8.    Helps Prepare Your Body For Pregnancy

Folate is a compound that doctors recommend to women who want to conceive or those that are pregnant.

It is also a food source of iron for pregnant women.

9.     Great For Weight Management

Interestingly, your diet is one thing to look at if you are trying to lose weight.

Adding lentils to your diet will help bring in the fibre you need to stay full  for longer time without feeling of starvation.

Fibre in your meal also helps to keep you full and reduce chances of over eating, a situation that offsets obesity.

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According to an earlier human study, the intake of lentil seed along with pasta and sauce reduces food intake, body weight and waist circumference [8].

Also, the flavonoids and fiber enhance satiety. Furthermore, they lower the amount of food intake and this leases to maintaining body weight in obese subjects [9].

Where To Get Lentils

Basically, one of the places to find lentils in Nigeria is superstores. Check any superstore near you and check the food section for keto or special foods.

You can also reach out to us via our contact us page or check our shop for this grain.

How To Cook Lentils

Unlike ‘Ukwa’ lentils do not take long to prepare at all.

Health benefits of lentils and how to cook
Lentils, Carrot, Vegetable, Steamed Plantain And Chicken.

The quantity you will cook depends on the number of the persons eating.

For a family of 4, a derica of lentils will be enough to eat two times.

Wash your lentils with ordinary water.

Add to your pot and add water.

Boil on low heat for 10 minutes . Kindly note that it cooks fast.

You can eat with stew and vegetables as shown in the picture above.


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