stay at home lockdown period and health issues

Lockdown Likely Health Issues You Should Avoid

Have you been feeling different of late as a result of the lockdown? You are not alone.

Unfortunately, coming down with some form of health challenges at a time like this is very possible.

In fact when you feel headache now, your mind could race straight to the fact that coronavirus is in Nigeria.

Many have faced this fear and trauma, even when the catarrh or cough has nothing to do with COVID-19.

While we observe the lockdown, of a truth, it is not easy to begin to learn and unlearn some things.

First you have to learn how to stay at home without doing much work and also learn how to get a good sleep and still don’t feel like you are just throwing ample time into the wind.

The rate at which people run out of food supplies days after they stock-up is another thing that shows that there are habits that are being picked up.

Truly, staying at home comes with the burden of eating too much.

In Delta State, people say that when the rain takes over the day, the stomach takes to eating uncontrollably.

Sadly, this new habit that you are picking up – eating every now and then  – could be of concern, if not now, later.

The last four weeks in Nigeria has been like a long season for many persons. But our concern is more on the health issues that could follow or arise at a time like this.

As a result, we are writing this article to bring your mind to these issues to watch out for.

Moreover, these are issues that researches have identified as possible at a time like this.

1.    Lockdown Could Lead To Anxiety And Depression

Everyday, Nigeria’s Center for Disease Control (NCDC) reels out figures that leave one in awe of what is to come.

The figures are not slowing down and each time they come, the social networks help ensure that it gets to your phone screen.

This anxiety and idleness, for people who are not working from home, could result in depressing feelings.

It has been said that the fear of COVID-19 is worse than the virus itself. People fear they may no longer earn salary. They fear they could go hungry and also fear they could get the disease.

People whose jobs are not internet-driven feel this fear most.

Being a faith-based company, we will advise that you filter the information you feed yourself.

Also, boost your immune system feeding your body ideal healthy meals and then put your trust in God’s ability to protect you.

According to John Hopkins, increasing your level of physical activity in the day will also play a great role in helping your mind stay calm.

2.   Lockdown Could Trigger Poor Mind Productivity

Unfortunately, many persons are less engaged now and you could see the result sometimes when you scroll through your social network.

Because you were forced to stay at home by a circumstance that is not palatable, your mind could find it difficult to focus.

Some persons have found it hard to read at this time, as a result of the distractions. Attention span of people is less than 8 seconds and the flood of posts and notifications you will be getting now will be a source of distraction.

This has often resulted in boredom and low productivity level since they information is not tailored to your need at this time.

The solution is that you have to make conscious effort to study and be productive while giving less attention to your phone.

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3.    Sugar Level Spike

Again, low physical activity could make people who are pre-disposed to increase in blood sugar level experience a spike.

Eating without physical activity means more of sedentary lifestyle.

Sadly, researches say this could trigger diabetes. Eat food that are low in carbohydrate.

Exercising is not something you learn suddenly. It is a lifestyle or habit that you form over time.

Adding vegetables and whole grain to your meal as often as possible at this time would help regulate the sugar level.

Also engage in physical activities. Researches say they reduce chances of type-2 diabetes.

4.    Constipation Poor Bowel Movement

Often, when your meal is more of low fibre food and your daily life is of low activity level, constipation happens.

We walked into a big mall few days ago and we observed the way people were picking breads.

Some bought 5 some 4 and often the least, are 2 loaves.

Constipation and menstrual pain and natural remedies
Constipation could be very inconveniencing

Sadly, bread is a low fibre food, except you buy the wheat bread.

Unfortunately, this type of meal is more at home for people to chew while they watch the lockdown time slip by.

Lack of physical activities which also goes with the eating pattern has been linked to many chronic diseases.

However, adding vegetables and whole grain meals to your diet will help. You also need to take water as often as possible, as that will aid a great bowel movement.

5.    Weight Gain

Some persons will come out of the lockdown with more weight.

It is often more difficult to lose weight than to gain.

Eating whatever comes to mind, which is what people do more often in periods like this, aids weight gain.

Black seed oilHave you read: Coronavirus: Black Seed Oil And Its Immune Boosting Power

This could result in obesity in coming months. This is because the stomach opens more for more food as you eat more often.

It will, afterwards, become difficult to adjust the habit once the lockdown is over.

Therefore, maintaining a good weight is necessary at this time.

6.    Irregular Blood Pressure Readings

One other health issue that could arise as a result of the low physical activity in the lockdown is irregular blood pressure.

People who are hypertensive are required to increase their physical activity level at periods like this.

The World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes of physical activity every week.

Move around in your home. Engage in early morning jogging and then eat more of foods that aid proper blood flow.

Vegetables like cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, whole grains like red rice sorghum are great for the heart.

Interestingly, Broccoli, lowers cholesterol level and also aid heart health by helping to keep blood vessels strong.

Please, share this article with your friends and loved ones to enable them know what to do to avoid this health conditions that could come as a result of the lockdown. 

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