Loofah and how to use and side effects

Loofah: Read This Before You Use It As A Scrub

Loofah is one of nature’s blessings to humans in harmattan, a little wonder it produces at this season. One thing about the scrub is that it works fine for the skin in at this period.

However, there is something about it that research has identified that you should know.

The Loofah plant is classified by botanists as Luffa aegyptica, Luffa aegyptiaca or Luffa cylindrica.

Loofah often crawls on trees or fences, and it is always conspicuous, as harmattan begins.

Really, this timing actually means a lot and this is because of what loofah is used for.

It is also referred to as a scrub and it is used for bathing or exfoliating the skin.

Loofah and how to use and side effects
Loofah in its fresh state

Sadly, harmattan weather comes with increased oxygen with a dryness that results in skin flak.

You feet begins to crack, your shin begins to peel off and you need a scrub to keep the skin smooth.

We believe that loofah is just here to help you clean that feet and skin, removing the dry skin.

How To Use Loofah

For people who are given to natural products, loofah is a great item to consider.

First, you will need to remove the sponge from the dry cover, take off the seed and then it is ready.

soak feet in water before you scrub with loofah
Soak feet in water before you scrub with loofah

For some persons, adding a stick to is is an option. This enables them hold the wooden part and scrub their back, most especially.

For scrubbing of the leg to remove flak, soak your feet in warm water with liquid soap or the kind of soap you use. The same way you do your pedicure.

soak feet in water before you scrub with loofah
Scrub with loofah

Allow feet to stay in the water for some minutes then scrub.

It often leaves a smooth effect.

Something To Care About

However, as much as this scrub is soothing to use, there are concerns that researches have raised.

These concerns emphasise the need for you to threat your scrub with care.

In 1994,  a study said: “Our data showed growth enhancement of sterile loofah fragments for numerous gram-negative (Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, and Klebsiella).

It also reported the presence of gram-positive (Enterococcus and group B Streptococcus) species of human and environmental origin”.

Furthermore, it stated that a hydrated new, unused loofah sponges undergo a shift in bacterial flora.

The shift is usually from sparse colonies of Bacillus spp. and Staphylococcus epidermidis to a predominantly gram-negative flora.

Loofah for feet scrubbing

Therefore, it is important to treat your loofah sponges (and other exfoliatives) after use, since they can serve as a reservoir and a vehicle for the transmission of potentially pathogenic species to the human skin.

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The researchers recommends that you decontamination the scrub with hypochlorite (10%) bleach at regular intervals.

One thing, however, is that the bleach is not also very healthy for humans. They can bring in toxins to your body.

Alternatively, you can use hot water to rinse the scrub before you use it each time. You can also discard it after use.

You can also squeeze out the water in the scrub wit ha towel and hang it somewhere that it will stay dry.

Enjoy your exfoliation with this scrub but stay safe from bacteria too.

The next time you see it, get it and give it a try.

Kindly share this article with your friends and loved ones so they will know the benefits and dangers of using loofah scrub. 


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