Sheri Mango good for diabetics?

Mango: Nutrition Fact, Anti-cancer, Other Health Benefits

Mango, Mangifera indica, is a stone fruit and many of its species are from the tropics.

Mangoes are native to South Asia, from where the “common mango” or “Indian mango”, Mangifera indica, has been distributed worldwide.

It has become one of the most widely cultivated fruits in the tropics.

Interestingly, it is one of the most consumed fruits around the world and in Nigeria, it is not different.

In fact, mango can grow just any where. Most times, they are not intentionally planted.

People just find that a mango tree is growing and they begin to nurture the tree for the love of it.

The fruit is usually available in abundance from March through the rainy season. In Nigeria, there are different species and many people love it.

Nutritional Fact Of Mango

This fruit is not just sweet. It offers your body different nutrients. A 3/4 cup pieces (75% of a glass cup) serving offers you 70 calories without saturated fat, cholesterol, trans fat or sodium.

Mango Nutritional Fact
Nutritional Fact Of Mango

Basically, one whole mango (a big one) contains 202 calories (without refuse and 336g).

As indicate in the image above, the fruit contains over 20 different vitamins and minerals.

This is one of the reasons it is called a superfood.

However, moderation is necessary when you consume mango because it could have a lot of sugar.

While this is true, mango is fibre-rich and this slows down how the sugar finds its way into your bloodstream.

This 75% full cup of mango provides your body 50% of your daily vitamin C, 8% of your daily Vitamin A and 8% of your daily vitamin B6.

These nutrients in mango may help support your body’s immune system.

Also, this same amount of this amazing fruit contains 7% of your daily fiber.

It’s a delicious and fun way to get some fiber in your diet.

Most importantly, women who are Trying To Conceive or Waiting To Conceive, as we prefer to address them, should always add mango to their diet when it is in season.

This is because the fruit contains folate, making up 15% of your daily requirement.

Its coper compound for the same serving covers 15% of your daily needs.

The fruit also contains 19g of carbohydrates in the same serving, making up 7% of your daily value.

Health Benefits Of Mango

1.      Lower Risk Of Certain Cancers

One of the antioxidants in the fruit is polyphenol.

Different researches have highlighted that polyphenolic compound in mango inhibits the grow of certain cancer cells

A 2010 study showed that the polyphenolics from several mango varieties exerted anticancer effects.

Also, it states that the compounds from Haden and Ataulfo mango varieties possessed superior chemopreventive activity.

Some of the cancers mentioned in study are leukemia, lung, breast, prostate, colon cancer.

Adding mango to your diet lowers the risk of these cancers.

2.      Boos Immunity

The fruit is great for your immune system. It contains, vitamin C which helps your body produce more disease-fighting white blood cells.

The vitamin also helps your cells work better.

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Other vitamins, A E, K and B6 that are present in Mango further aid your immune system. They help your body fight infections

3.      Skin And Hair

Vitamins nourish your skin and hair. Mango contains a high amount of vitamin C that helps your body produce a protein, collagen, that nourishes your skin and hair.

Also, vitamin A aids hair growth and the fruit also contains this vitamin.

Vitamin A helps in the production of a liquid -sebum – that helps keep the scalp healthy.

4.      Boosts Heart Health

The fruit contains potassium and magnesium.

Magnesium plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production.

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On the other hand, potassium helps for the normal functioning of all cells. It regulates the heartbeat and ensures proper function of the muscles and nerves.

Low levels of these minerals in diet can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease.

It can also trigger type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.

5.       Aid Eye Sight

Some of the antioxidants in the fruit lutein and zeaxanthin that support the health of your retina.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are natural sunblock in your retina absorbing excess light.

One of the well known vitamins for the eyes is vitamin A which is also present in Mango.


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