Mediterranean diet and healthy habit

Mediterranean Diet: These Foods Can Make You Live Long

Have you heard about the Mediterranean Diet and wonder what it is all about? Not to worry, we will do our best to explain this diet to you and show you what it is made of.

Indeed a Mediterranean Diet could help people live long and keep chronic diseases away. There is a good reason this is possible.

This is a good reason you should read this article that summarises some research results on the Mediterranean diet.

Really, there are so many foods humans can eat to help them live long. In fact, all foods should contribute to longevity, but being intentionally and going for the right one per time mean a lot in the process.

But the number of people who die as a result of chronic diseases has been on the rise.

Unfortunately, the number of deaths, as a result of chronic diseases, are projected to increase even further. There is a saying that the world’s population is ageing.

While all of these happen, world bodies in charge of nutrition have expressed worries over the situation.

But humans are quick to grab the trigger-factors (processed foods and others) and munch.

Calorie, carbohydrate and portion size intake have risen along with greater amounts of food and calories per meal.

However, a nutrition pattern that is causing chronic diseases is what people are quick to grab.

Sadly, the situation is worse because of the sedentary lifestyle that more persons are adopting.

Mediterranean Diet Components

The Mediterranean diet is one that could help you keep chronic diseases away (1).

It lays emphasis on the daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy fats.


Mediterranean diet recommends weekly intake of fish, poultry, beans and eggs.

Other recommendations are moderate portions of dairy products and limited intake of red meat.

In summary, the diet emphasises healthy fats and healthy carbs.

Saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol are the bad guys that you should begin to eliminate from your meal as you age.

Good fats are monounsaturated (found in olive oil, for example) and polyunsaturated (found in such foods as fish, canola oil, and walnuts).


sugar and hormonal imbalance

Hormonal Imbalance is increasingly becoming common among women of child-bearing age.
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Reduction In Risk Of Chronic Diseases

A 2018 study showed that the Mediterranean diet is associated with chronic diseases’ risk reduction (2).

But much of it comes from healthful monounsaturated fats and unsaturated omega-3 fats.

Interestingly, the Mediterranean diet is high in carbohydrates, but most of the carbs come from unrefined, fiber-rich foods.

It is also high in fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and fish, with only modest amounts of meat and cheese.

According to research findings, people living in Mediterranean countries (Greece Italy, etc) have a lower-than-expected rate of heart disease.

This is as a result of the kind of food they eat.

Mediterranean Diet Alone Does Not Work

The Mediterranean diet is great for older adult in terms of longevity, but you also need to be physical active to stay healthy.

Furthermore, the diet alone may not be able to make you live long except you also follow a regular meal pattern, observe moderate intake of wine, and engage in good social support.

You may also find our article on the 13 Simple Ways To Stay Healthy For Life helpful.

Although it is hard to know what relative role these different factors play, there is growing evidence that in and of itself, the Mediterranean diet can reduce cardiovascular risk and the development of diabetes.


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