natural cough remedy

Natural Cough Remedy That Works Like Magic

Do you know that with the right cough remedy, you can keep cough away from you and your loved ones?

Indeed, there are so many cough remedies that work, but we have focused on the ones you will be able to find around.

Here something about this cough remedy.

Years ago, I never knew I could stay without coughing, especially those heavy kind of cough that disturbs everyone.

Sometimes, it sounds like thunder in a mini form. You try to hold it back but it just keeps forcing itself out.

I have lived with it to the point that I accepted it as a yearly ailment. Until I found this remedy you are reading. 

Unfortunately, cough due to upper respiratory tract infection (URI) or cough without preceding infection is one of the most frequent complaints family physicians and pediatric providers get.

Parents have had sleepless nights because of cough that their children present.

Interestingly, I got to know about this cough remedy, and everything changed.

Ingredients You Need For This Natural Cough Remedy

1.      Honey

Pure wild honey is an amazing sweetener and food for your body. There are researches backing its use for treatment of cough.

In 2014, a study cited a research on the effect of honey on cough.

As documented, a single dose of honey might reduce mucus secretion and reduce cough in children.

According to another study, offering 500 mL of water, water with buckwheat honey, black tea, black tea with sugar, or black tea with buckwheat honey to 25 healthy men, honey showed good demulcent effect and antioxidant properties.

Honeyis a good replacement for added sugars
Our Honey Is Pure & Well Filtered 

Also, it increased cytokine release, which might have antimicrobial effects.

In 2007 another research report explained that in paired comparisons, honey was superior to no treatment or honey-flavored dextromethorphan for cough frequency and severity.

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It lowered bothersome nature of the cough, and improved child’s sleep quality as rated by the parents.

Basically, you can administer a single 2.5-mL evening dose of honey to children 2 to 5 years of age. you can also take it as an adult.

According to another study, this dosage, improved cough frequency score from 4.09 (0.72) to 1.93 (0.65), compared with only slight improvement for children receiving only supportive treatment (mean [SD] 4.11 [0.78] to 3.11 [0.57]).

2.      Black Seed Oil

This is an extract from black seeds and it is often great for mouth consumption.

Truly, Black Seeds have been used as remedy for many conditions for centuries now.

A 2016 study reported that it has worked as remedy for diseases like cough and bronchial asthma, headache, nasal congestion and toothaches.

Black seed oil
Black Seeds, Black Seeds Oil And Honey

Others are intestinal worm, menstrual disorder, digestive abnormality, diabetes, hypertension and cancer.

The ancient Egyptians used Nigella Sativain for the treatment of many diseases and its widely used in folk medicine.

3.     Ginger

According to a 2015 study, ginger root serves are remedy for coughs and colds.

Ginger exerts antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory actions.


Also, in a mouse model of asthma, an extract of ginger combined with another plant, Pinellia ternata, was found to inhibit airway inflammation and mucus hypersecretion.

Giger is also an immune booster and this boosts your immune system to fight the cold.

Our Cough Remedy Combination

Basically, what works most for persons we have recommended this remedy for is a combination.

Proper combination gives a magic effect.

natural cough remedy
Natural Cough Remedy

You will get relief after taking few shots of this natural cough remedy.

We recommend that you use grater to grate the ginger and then add it to a cup, add 2 to 3 teaspoons of honey and then a teaspoon of black seed oil.

Add small amount of warn water, allow the items to infuse and mix properly for few minutes and then drink.


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