ofada rice - Health benefits, and how to remove the smell

Ofada Rice: What To Do If You Don’t Like The Smell

Ofada rice is an indigenous rice from Ofada community in Ogun State.

The community is in Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of the western part of Nigeria.

Ofada rice is a blend of different species of rice, mostly Oryza glaberrima (African rice) and the more common Oryza sativa Asian rice (1).

Basically, it is of different categories – brown, red or white ofada rice.

The category or colour depends on the processing and specie of rice.

Ofada rice is rich in nutrients and one of the reasons is that it is not polished. Another thing is that it goes through a fermentation process before it is ready.

However, due to this fermentation process, Ofada rice comes with a smell or odour that could be repulsive.

Sometimes, people say it smells like a local he-goat.

Not to worry, we will share a few tips on how to get that repulsive odour in the rice out.

Also, we will share how to get the alternative that has no smell.

Why You Should Eat Ofada Rice

You see, eating this rice has so much benefit to you who eat it, those who produce it and the nation’s economy.

We will share all the benefits that researches support.

Basically, when you eat this rice, you are doing yourself a whole lot of good health-wise.

Also, the world benefits from this economically. Jobs are created and it adds to the GDP of the nation where it is produced.

Let’s dive in to see the benefits this rice offers you despite the odour.

Health Benefits Of Ofada Rice

Indeed, ofada rice is rich in nutrients that are helpful in keeping you healthy.

A study says this rice contains more phosphorous, and fiber than others (2).

This is because it does not go through so much processing and that helps in retaining a lot of its nutrients.

Another reason is that it goes through fermentation and this makes some other nutrients more available.

Furthermore, other compounds in the rice are selenium, Chlorine, K, Calcium, potassium, Manganese, Iron, Copper and Zinc (3)

1.     Helps Control Weight Gain

People who are battling weight gain can replace their white rice with it.

The rice is rich in fibre and this makes it a good option for people managing weight (4).

Fibre lowers the desire to eat more since it keeps you full for long.

2.     Lowers Cholesterol Level

Also, foods that are high in fibre to a large extent help in lowering cholesterol level.

Cholesterol is known to be one of the causes of heart disease.

However, adding ofada to your diet will help ensure that unhealthy fat in your meal does not leave your gut and sneak into your blood stream.

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest.

After you eat a meal, the carbohydrate breaks down into sugar molecules called glucose.

Do You Know These Things About Rice? 

But fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules. Instead, it passes through the body undigested.

This helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check.

Experts recommend that children and adults need at least 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day for good health.

However, people in some countries, like America, get only about 15 grams a day (5).

If you consume too much of processed foods, you will have less fibre in your diet.

3.     Prevents Heart Disease

Studies say high amount of bad cholesterol in the body would form plaques around your arteries.

This clogs the arteries and slows down the flow of blood, causing the heart to function abnormally.

High amount of bad cholesterol in the blood is one of the causes of heart disease (6).

4.     Could Lower Blood Sugar Level

Here, however, we suggest moderation, being that the glycemic index of the rice could be an issue.

Eating a small portion of this rice with vegetables is what we recommend. This will help ensure that you get the fibre from it with a boost from those in the vegetable.

Fibre in foods help slow down how fast the glucose in the meal hits your bloodstream.  This makes the rice, okay for persons with diabetes when eaten in moderation.

5.    Improves Gut Health

You see, due to the fermentation of ofada rice, also increases bioavailability of calcium, phosphorous and iron.

A study says this is due to degradation of oxalates and phytates that reduce minerals bioavailability (7).

Phosphorous is really god for your gut. Also, the fermentation further makes available some friendly bacteria.

Although, a large amount of this friendly bacteria is lost during cooking.

Also, the fermentation further makes the rice loaded with other health benefits.

7.     Improves Bone Health

As a result of the fermentation this rice helps boost bone health.

It is especially good for people who are older.

The older an individual gets, the weaker the bones become. This requires that you increase the amount of iron-rich foods that you eat.

According to a study, Iron overload as well as iron deficiency are accompanied by weakened bones (8).

However, it is often rare to get to that level of overload.

8.     Boosts Immune System

According to studies, iron deficiency affects the capacity to have an adequate immune response (9).

Adding ofada rice to your diet will help you boost your iron level and your immune system.

This further helps in fighting off infection.

9.   Contains Antioxidants Great For Your Liver

Another study found that the phytochemicals in this rice are very helpful in lowering oxidative stress and inflammation (10).

Ofada rice is rich in flavonoids and other phenolic compounds that lower lipid oxidation.

The animal study found that the antioxidant in this rice lowers oxidation in the liver.

10.    Boosts Brain function

Also, the antioxidant in this rice is also amazing in lowering lipid oxidation in  the brain.

For instance, a study says cellular, biochemical and molecular studies have shown intimate links between oxidative stress and cognitive dysfunction during aging and age-associated neuronal diseases (11).

For this reason, it is important that, as you get older, there should be an adjustment of the food you eat to suit what your body needs.

11.     Contains Compounds That Fight Cancer

Due to the presence of phosphorous and selenium in this rice, you can lower your risk of developing cancer.

According to a study, phosphorous gotten from plants could help in the reduction of the risk of bowel disorder.

On the other hand, selenium has been found to be effective in fighting colon and breast cancer (12).

The study says that individuals with low blood selenium levels could reduce their risk of cancer (particularly prostate cancer) by increasing selenium intake.

How To Remove Ofada Rice Smell | Best Ofada Rice

The smell of this rice is one reason people avoid eating it. But we found a way to eliminate it.

If you do not like how ofada rice smells, you can reduce the smell in the process of cooking it.

First, wash the rice with salt water. Add a teaspoon of salt in water (room temperature), pour the rice and allow for about 10 minutes.

Wash the rice out and then rinse again with hot water. This reduces the odour that the rice has.

Afterwards, cooking your rice, you will find that it is almost like your usual foreign rice.

However, if you still feel the smell is not totally out, you can change your option of ofada rice.

There is an ofada rice that comes from Abakaliki.

The processing of the rice from the southern part of Nigeria is different. This makes the rice come without that repulsive odour.

However, because it is not fermented, there is a tendency that the nutrients level in the rice Abakaliki ofada will be different from the usual ofada rice.

Kindly share this helpful article with your friends and loved ones to help them understand ofada rice better. 


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