breast producing milk when you are not pregnant

Producing Brest Milk When You Are Not Pregnant? See Why

It could really be depressing when a woman is producing milk yet she is not pregnant or breastfeeding a baby. Unfortunately, between 20 to 25% of ladies experience this.

You may not know you do except you squeeze the nipple a bit to find out if milk will come out.

But the saddest feeling it brings is when you are with a man and then he suddenly notices it. Some men will avoid getting close to the breast during sexual intercourse as a result of this milk.

Sadly, the man may not even let the lady know. One of the reasons being that he feels talking about it could arouse a bad feeling and spoil the moment.

Most ladies whose breasts are producing milk, feel very alright, yet there is an underlying reason that is happening.

Reasons Your Breast May Be Producing Milk

If your breast is producing milk, just know that it could happen in both women and men and it is often referred to as Galactorrhea (guh-lack-toe-REE-uh).

According to a research, Galactorrhea itself isn’t a disease, but it could be a sign of an underlying problem.

Some of the reasons this could happen are excessive breast stimulation, side-effect of medication or disorders of the pituitary gland, tumour.

Galactorrhea often happens as a result of increased levels of prolactin. Prolactin is the hormone that stimulates milk production.


Drugs in this categories are some drugs that could lead to the production of milk when a woman is not pregnant.

Certain pain killers, blood pressure medicines, medications that contain hormones, antipsychotics, anti-depressants, birth control, heart burn medications could also cause this.

Medical Conditions

Some medical issues like thyroid, kidney or liver disease, chronic stress, tumors or disease of the hypothalamus, any trauma or damage to breast tissue, high levels of estrogen (in newborns) could result in breast producing milk.

Symptoms Of Galactorrhea

Also, galactorrhea could present symptoms like, leaking from nipples that happens at random, enlargement of breast tissue, missed or irregular periods and loss of or lowered sex drive.

Others are; nausea, acne, abnormal hair growth, headaches and trouble with vision.

What To Do

Some women who are expecting to get pregnant yet, producing milk could need to give more attention to the situation.

Simply put, ‘your body is seeing you like you are breastfeeding a baby and pregnancy may not happen’.

This is why you need to go for diagnosis to be sure of the underlying reason the breast is producing milk.

Have You Read: Hormonal Imbalance: 5 Food-Triggers You Should Know

One of the things that the doctor will recommend could be hormone profiling. This could show if the prolactin is high.

High prolactin could be as a result of stress. Women who live in Lagos and do 9 to 5 jobs go through a lot of stress.

Some have unnoticed chronic stress conditions that need medical attention.

If it is hormonal imbalance that is the cause, there are few things that could be done, including adjusting lifestyle.

Our health coach is someone that addressed hormonal imbalance with lifestyle adjustment.

It should not be a source of worry if you are producing milk. Being sure of the reason it is happening is the first thing that will help in addressing the issue.


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