natural remedies for staphylococcus aureus

Research-proven Natural Treatment For Staphylococcus Aureus

Staphylococcus is one of the very conditions that people think it is basically a sexually transmitted disease.

Contrary to your belief, it is not.

Some persons say it is a difficult condition to treat.

But we know that there are herbs and plants that have the capacity to treat staphylococcus.

In fact, the number of persons who prefer to take natural herbs for the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus is increasing.

This development is linked to the increase in resistant strain of the bacteria.

Staphylococcus aureus (staph) is a Gram-positive, round-shaped bacterium and a member of the Firmicutes family.

Also, it is a usual member of the microbiota of the body.

Staph is frequently found in the upper respiratory tract and on the skin.

Fact is, about 30% of people carry Staphylococcus aureus in their noses.

Staphylococcus is the leading cause of skin and soft tissue infections like abscesses (boils), furuncles, and cellulitis.

Most staph infections are not serious. However, the bacteria can cause serious infections like bloodstream infections, pneumonia, or bone and joint infections.

The different types of staph germs are methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA). 

Others are vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA) and vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus. aureus (VRSA)

Misconceptions About Staph Transmission

In Nigeria, some persons believe that staph is transmitted through sexual intercourse.

But staph is generally not considered as a sexually transmitted disease.  It is more of  a skin-to-skin transmission.

That said, however, there is a major skin-to-skin contact that happens when people engage in sexual intercourse.

When you shake someone who has this bacteria you could get it.

An interesting thing also, is the fact that your skin and mucous membranes protect you. Together, they are usually an effective barrier against infection.

However, skin damage due to trauma or mucosal damage due to viral infection, may fuel the possibility of S. aureus gaining access to underlying tissues or the bloodstream and cause infection.

Also, persons who have low immunity or invasive medical devices are particularly vulnerable to infection.

Sadly, this infection can kill. Death could occur when it is bloodstream infection.

For instance, in 2017, 119,000 cases of staph were reported in the US. In the same year, nearly 20,000 persons died of bloodstream staph infection.

Treatment Of Staph

If you have been diagnosed with a staph infection, chances are that your doctor must have given you appropriate antibiotics.

The doctor may also recommend wound drainage or removal of infected devices.

Also, treatment often depends on the type of infection you are battling.

Other natural remedies could also work in treating the bacteria.

Natural Remedies For Staphylococcus Aureus

Staph is increasingly becoming a serious issue because of resistant strains.

However, there are natural herbs that have compounds that could treat this bacteria.

1.      Probiotics

health benefits of probiotics
Yoghurt With Lactic Acid (Lactobacillus) Is A Great Source Of Probiotics

Balancing good and bad bacteria in the body is a nice way of treating bacteria infection.

In Nigeria, probiotics are available in yoghurt that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei. and various Bifidobacterium species.

A 2016 study highlights the effect of probiotics on bacteria. According to the report, probiotics are able to modulate the activation of unconventional T cells and NK cells.

Staphylococcus aureus is known to induce excessive T cell activation.

This probiotics work from inside to clean the system of harmful bacteria.

Each time you want to buy yoghurt, check to be sure it contains the friendly bacteria mentioned earlier.

2.   Aloe Vera

aloe vera as bitter herbs
Aloe Vera Plant

This plant is increasingly becoming more popular because of its health benefits.

According to a 2018 study, Aloe vera extract could block the biofilm formation by most staph strains.

aloe vera gel, aloe vite
Made From Aloe Vera Gel And More

Researchers concluded that Aloe vera extract could be used as antibacterial agent against methicillin resistant S. aureus infection.

3.      Tea Tree Oil For Treatment Of Staphylococcus

This is one of the natural remedies for staphylococcus aureus that are in Ngieria.

A 2004 research reports that Tea Tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia oil) has promising efficacy in treating Staphylococcus aureus, both methicillin-resistant and -sensitive.

If You Would Love To Get Tree Oil, Order Here

tea tree oil
Tea Tree Oil

Interestingly, this oil is available in Nigeria.


Basically, it contains high concentration of the compounds. We recommend you use it externally.

Add it to carrier oil before you use it.

4.      Increase Vitamins Intake

Vitamins boost your immune system.

According to researches, a deficiency in vitamin D increases risk of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

Pomegranate Fruit for treatment of staphylococcus
Pomegranate Fruit

Basically, for people who have skin infections, a research highlights that vitamin D enhances the release of antimicrobial peptides in the skin.

Also, vitamin C is an immune booster that helps decrease the growth of S. aureus.

According to a 2012 study, vitamin C may be a safe and natural alternative for restricting the growth of S. aureus.

5.      Oregano For Treatment Of Staphylococcus

oregano as antibiotic for treatment of staphylococcus

Also, in 2018 researchers examined the effect of oregano oil on staph.

They found it is very effective against staph.

According to their report, Oregano oil sufficiently reduced the bacterial load in the examined wounds.

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According to their findings, oregano oil as an alternative to antibiotics for the treatment of wound-associated infections regardless of antibiotic susceptibility.

In Nigeria, oregano is available in powder or oil form. When you intend to swallow it, please use the powder.

6.      Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Here again is one of the remedies for Staphylococcus aureus in Nigeria.

A study indicates that ACV has multiple antimicrobial potential against Escherichia coliStaphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. 

Unlike oils, you can easily drink ACV. Just add a table spoon of ACV to a glass or water and drink it daily.

It will reduce the load of the bacteria and aid healing.


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