How to reverse diabetes with exercise and diet

Major Reasons Exercise, Right Diet Can Reverse Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the very diseases that the world population is battling today. One of the things people who have this disease desire is to reverse it and bring the blood sugar back to safe level. Is it really possible to reverse diabetes?

Here, we are talking about type-2 diabetes. It is a major public health and economic burden on our world.

According to available statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diabetes affects at least 29.1 million people in the United States (1).

Also, the International Diabetes Federation estimates that diabetes effects 366 million people worldwide (2).

You see, this health issue we are talking abut here is a serious one.

The information here is something you should know.

In the course of offering some services to some persons, there are some interesting things we have noticed.

First, we found a 2-barrel strategy that could reverse diabetes and give any diabetic a new hope.

You see, there are three legs a human rely on when it comes to a healthy life. It is like a tripod that holds life together for every individual.

Diet, Movement And Sleep

As a human, you need food (including water), movement and a good sleep to stay alive.

Take away one of them and you are gradually heading to a period buffeted with illnesses and diseases.

Stay without sleep and your heart and other organs will witness gradual decline that could lead to death.

A good sleep helps regulate your insulin, keeping your blood sugar level in check. But for this level to remain for long, diet and movement must come in.

While we know that everyone gets to sleep, not everyone gets their diet and movement right.

This is why we are emphasising the role of diet and exercise in reversing diabetes.

How Does Exercise Reverse Diabetes?

When you exercise, a few things happen that have direct impact on your blood sugar level.

For instance, every muscle cell contains a series of common components that are directly associated with contraction in some way. Also, they are influenced by training.

One of those components is the cell membrane. This controls what enters and leaves the cell.

It also contains regulatory proteins that are influenced by hormones like epinephrine (adrenalin) and insulin.

The blood concentration of these hormones greatly influences fuel utilisation by the muscle cell.

Basically, this talks about what happens when you move.

The sugar in your blood which comes from the foods you eat, is a source of energy. It sits in the blood until you move and activate these hormones to make the muscles use them up.

Experts say, as you exercise, insulin sensitivity is increased. This puts your muscle cells in a better position to use any available insulin to take up glucose during and after activity.

In fact, this uptake of glucose by your muscles remains elevated for approximately two hours after you exercise.

Furthermore, studies say exercise, both aerobic and resistance training, promote healthier skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, liver, and pancreatic function (3) (4). Too much fat in the liver is one of the things that increase your risk of type-2 diabetes.

When you exercise, the muscle uses up the deposit of glucose in the blood, making your pancreas work better.

Take a walk, dance, cycle, or do some indoor exercises. They will make your muscles work and also change how your pancreas performs its function.

How To Reverse Diabetes With Food

Talking about diet, it is one of the major reasons people get type-2 diabetes. Eating without watching your diet and not engaging in physical activities is a terrible lifestyle you should not engage n.

Reading the labels of your food items is very important here.

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Unfortunately, people who are involved in sedentary lifestyle and are stressed out, often take to junks for compensation.

These foods are high in processed sugar and other sources of free sugars puts you at risk of type-2 diabetes.

Although sugar doesn’t directly cause type-2 diabetes, you are more likely to get it if you are above your ideal weight.

Now, here is the relationship.

You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body needs, and sugary foods and drinks contain a lot of calories (5).

Basically, the maximum recommended daily amount of sugar is 30 grams or 13 cubes for adults.

This translates to just 7 teaspoons a day.

Unfortunately, you can easily get this amount of sugar in few things you eat.

Diabetes UK puts it this way. A tablespoon of ketchup contains around one teaspoon of sugar, a chocolate biscuit has up to two, and a small serving of baked beans almost three (6). Now consider the sweetened drinks you take.

We know that to so many persons, exercise is a tedious activity.

Developing the habit of exercising is somewhat difficult for others.

This is why we recommend that diet should come first when you think about reversing diabetes.

According to a study, one of the ways diet could help is to ensure that you eat foods that do not increase your weight.

Low Calories Diet And Diabetes

If you are above your ideal weight, you should begin your target to reverse diabetes by losing some kilograms.

You see, storing too much fat in the liver and pancreas affects how type 2 diabetes develops. If you lose this fat you can help put your diabetes into remission.

Adjusting your diet to Mediterranean diet or a low-carb diet can help you a lot if you want to lose weight.

Also, ensure that your meals contain vegetables as much as possible and add fruits too.

These foods are rich in antioxidants that will also lower effects of oxidation which could also make diabetes worse.

Remember, that you also need to get adequate sleep for your body to rest and perform its function.

Indeed, studies say lack of adequate sleep could increase your risk of type-2 diabetes (7) (8).

Kindly share this article with your friends and loved ones to enable them know how to reverse diabetes with exercise and diet.

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