Health benefits of ofo

Side Effects And 13 Health Benefits Of Ofo, Detarium Microcarpum

Ofo, Detarium microcarpum, is a tropical fruit tree native to some African countries –  Nigeria Sudan, Mali and Senegal among others.

In these countries Ofo bears different names. In Nigeria – Ofo; in western Sudan – Abu Laila; Dank in Senegal and Tamba Dala in Mali.

Also, in the Igbo speaking region of Nigeria, Ofo seed comes handy when it comes to thickening soups.

In fact, Igbo people believe that the “Ofo” plant is a “religious” tree that grows in God’s own compound.

Also, they believe that it represents sincerity and candor.

People also refer to it as sweet dattock or tallow.

Furthermore, Ofo is prominent in traditional medicine for the treatment of different diseases.

While we explore the health benefits, we will also look at the side effects.

According to a study, Ofo is one of Africa’s most important medicinal plants (1).

Also, the study highlights that its fruits are edible and nutritious, with amazing potential health benefits.

Here are some unique benefits and side effects of taking Ofo or cooking with it:

1.  Ofo Is Nutrient Rich

The fruit of Detarium microcarpum, Ofo, is rich in various nutrients, including vitamins (such as vitamin C, B2 folic acid) (2).

Also, it contains minerals (such as calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc and sodium).

The fruit is also rich in protein and dietary fiber. These nutrients are essential for maintaining overall health and well-being.

2.  Antioxidant Properties

Also, this fruit contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

You see, oxidative stress is the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals.

Both of them are are created within normal physiological conditions but become harmful when they are not removed by endogenous systems (3).

You see, when they stay in the body, they could lead to chronic conditions.

But Ofo is helpful in removing these free radicals because it contains antioxidant compounds, which can help protect cells from damage caused by these harmful molecules called free radicals.

Antioxidants play a role in reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting a healthy immune system.

Ofo is rich in flavonoid and polyphenol, making it able to help ward off free radicals.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Property

Also, this plant contains anti-inflammatory properties.

A study found that its aqueous extracts contain polyphenolic compounds such as vanillic acid, gallic acid, and protocatechuic acid (4).

This, researchers said, implies that they are promising herbal remedies for pain and inflammation management

4.  Digestive Health

Based on the anti-inflammatory properties of this seed used as thickener, it could help reduce pains for someone treating ulcer.

Furthermore, the dietary fiber content in Detarium microcarpum can contribute to improved digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation.

Fiber also supports a healthy gut microbiome.

However, the recommended dosage used in the study is between 200 and 800 mg/kg.

5.  Ofo Is A Painkiller

Also, the Ofo plant is effective as a pain killer. This is also because of the anti-inflammatory compounds in the plant.

6.  Remedy For Malaria

As a remedy for malaria parasite, a study says extract demonstrated significant curative, suppressive, and preventive effects at all doses tested (5).

7.  Lowers Risk Of Diabetes

Also, a 2022 study says the seed extract could lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels significantly.

The extract had no effect on haematological or blood chemical signs, indicating that it was completely safe (6).

8.  Boosts Heart Health

Furthermore, the fruit’s nutrients, particularly potassium and dietary fiber, can contribute to heart health.

Potassium helps regulate blood pressure, and fiber may assist in reducing cholesterol levels, both of which are important for cardiovascular well-being.

Also, the anti-inflammatory property is said to improve heart health (7).

9. Ofo Is Active Against Fungi

According to a study, isolated molecules of clerodane diterpenes from the pulp exhibited antifungal action and inhibition of the Alzheimer’s disease-linked enzyme acetylcholinesterase (8).

It further says the crude extracts are antifungal against all strains tested.

10. Ofo Boosts Bone Health

The presence of minerals like calcium and magnesium can support bone health and contribute to the maintenance of strong bones and teeth.

11.  Treatment Of Diarrhea

According to a study, an infusion of the bark is reported to be anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and diuretic, while the fruits and leaves are used to treat diarrhea (9).

12. Remedy For Syphilis

Furthermore, the study says Ofo is also helpful in treatment of syphilis, a function of the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

The study recommends that the fruits and leaves could be used in treating syphilis (10).

13.  Traditional Medicine

In traditional medicine, extracts from the Ofo plant have come handy in treatment of wounds.

This is done with fresh bark or leaves, while the powder made from boiled bark can be used as a painkiller.

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An infusion of the bark is reported to be anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and diuretic, while the fruits and leaves are used to treat diarrhea and syphilis.

Roots, stems, bark, leaves, and fruits of this plant are effective in treating a wide range of ailments, including diarrhea, tuberculosis, and meningitis.

In some cultures, various parts of the Detarium microcarpum tree, including the bark, fruit and leaves, are effective in treating stomach ailments, skin issues, and as a general tonic.

Others are diabetes, malaria, weakness, skin infections, urinary problems, and diarrhea. The D. microcarpum leaves, bark, roots, and fruits are frequently used.

Side Effect Of Taking Too Much Ofo

While it is a great remedy for different ailments, a study also says the methanolic stem bark extract killed mice at doses of 2900 mg/kg and 1600 mg/kg body weight, with an LD50 of 3,807.89 mg/kg.

This emphasises the need to stay within 200 to 800 mg/kg which the study recommends as safe dose.

Also, scientific studies in human are very limited and this emphasises the need to stay within moderate consuption.

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