smelly vagina and vagina odour natural treatments of vaginal itching

Smelly Vagina: Natural Treatments That Work

A smelly vagina could become a very humiliating thing for any lady who fails to tackle it early.

For instance, the smell could be so hard, that a man with a very sensitive nose could perceive it.

Guys talk about these things. Unfortunately, many of them are not able to tell their partner about their smelly vagina.

Indeed, it is okay to clear the air and let you know that a healthy vagina does not have a very pleasant smell.

While that is true, guys are also able to know if a vagina is healthy by the odour.

I have heard people say a healthy vagina smells like onions. Funny, but it might be true.

You see, the vagina could have different smells at different times.

Basically, the smell could change during menstrual cycle or ovulation. The odour could be neutral, pleasant and unpleasant (1).

Causes Of Smelly Vagina

Earlier, we highlighted that vaginal odour could change from day to day during the menstrual cycle.

Little things like sweating could make your vagina smelly. At other times, an overgrowth of bacteria could also make a lady have a smelly vagina.

When the smell of your vagina becomes unpleasant, here are the possible causes.

1.     Overgrowth Of Harmful Bacteria

According to the CDC, this is referred to as Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). It  is the most common vaginal condition in women ages 15-44 (2).

There are no specific known causes of BV.

You see, in a woman’s vagina, there is often the “good” and “harmful” bacteria. When there is an imbalance, that is, the harmful ones becoming more, BV occurs.

Other Vagina Health Aids

Some of the things you do that could increase your risk are douching, having sexual intercourse without protection.

Also, having multiple sex partners can upset the balance of the bacteria.

When this imbalance occurs, you will have a smelly vagina.

2.     Poor Hygiene

Not taking good care of your vagina could expose you to BV and vagina smell.

Sometimes, ladies wash their vagina with soap.

Unfortunately, they don’t know all they need to wash the vagina is clean water, without soap.

3.     Tampon Left In The Vagina For Too Long

When you forget to remove a tampon from your vagina, it could lead to smelly vagina.

This could lead to imbalance of bacteria in the vagina, with the harmful ones taking over.

4.     Trichomoniasis

This is a sexually transmitted infection that can also cause a smelly vagina.

Other Less Common Causes Of Vagina Odour

1.     Cervical Cancer

This is a type of cancer that occurs in the cells of the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina.

It is the presence of a malignant tumour in the lower part of the uterus (womb).

This tumour could make an unpleasant odour come from a lady’s vagina.

2.     Rectovaginal Fistula

Although, very rare, but a lady could have this condition where there is an opening between the rectum and vagina.

This opening allows gas or stool to leak into the vagina.

When this condition occurs, the vagina becomes smelly.

3.     Vaginal Cancer

This happens when cancerous cells grow in a woman’s vagina.

This can also be a cause of an unpleasant smell in the vagina.

Natural Treatments For Smelly Vagina

There are natural herbs, fruits and spices that could help treat smelly vagina.

They contain compounds that inhibit the replication of cancer cells or overgrowth of bacteria.

1.     Cloves

These are the flower buds of the clove tree – Syzygium aromaticum.

You can get this spice either in whole or ground forms. People use cloves to season foods or add flavour to hot beverages, cookies and cakes.

However, beyond these uses, cloves are good for treating vagina infection.

According to studies, clove possesses antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, anesthetic, pain relieving and insect repellent properties (3) (4).

Studies found that eugenol is the main constituent responsible for the medicinal properties of the clove bud.

A study describes clove as a precious spice because of its compounds that are beneficial to you (5).

Kindly read our earlier article on Vaginal Infection: 2 Easy Ways To Use Clove For Treatment

2.     Turmeric

Also, you can use turmeric to restore the normal vagina odour.

Turmeric plant (Curcuma longa), in the ginger family, is native to Southeast Asia. People in India grow it for commercial purpose.

They use it as a medicinal plant. Turmeric has been in use in that region for thousands of years.

Interestingly, turmeric is becoming more popular around the world to the extent that you can grow it in your garden.

Beyond working as a spice, turmeric has compounds in it that make it medicinal.

In situations where imbalance of bacteria is the cause of a smelly vagina, turmeric could be a remedy.

Interestingly, there are studies on the properties of turmeric and their efficacy against bacteria and fungi.

According to a study, curcumin could reduce the bacterial counts of Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and E. coli (6).

Turmeric could inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and give you result.

Also, the study says curcumin exhibits inhibitory activity on methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus strains.

For how to use, read our earlier article on Turmeric For Treatment Of Vaginal Infection | Does It Work?

3.    Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil (TTO) is derived from the leaves of the tea tree, native to Australia.

It contains compounds that offer medicinal value against bacteria.

A study says Tea Tree Oil contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties (7).

The researchers described TTO as an acceptable alternative to patients with vagina infection.

Also, it says TTO poses little risk of causing resistance.

To use, get a panty liner and drop few of this oil on it. That way it helps cleanse the vagina of bacteria overgrowth.

4.    WellFresh Oil

This is a formulation that we have put together after researching different herbs and spices that could help treat infection.

It is a combination of different compounds that are helpful in treatment of bacteria.

Since Wellfresh oil is our formulation, you can see it in our shop.

5.     Goron Tula

This is a fruit, but it is effective against vagina infections that could cause smelly vagina.

Goron tula contains compounds that are effective against a range of different bacteria.

These compounds in goron tula lower inflammation in the vagina and help cleanse it.

The fruit is popular for its efficacy in putting the vagina in a healthy form.

To use, open up the fruit and soak the pulp in warm water. The slimy substance in the fruit will infuse in the water and all you will need to do is wash your vagina with it.

Doing this for about two weeks clears off the infection and smelly odour in the vagina.


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