Snail and eyesight. Health benefits of snail

Snail And Eyesight: How Snail Benefits Your Eyes

I had observed the snails in my farm, as they make escape at night, and found something unique about this animal. One is that there is a relationship between snail and eyesight.

Once the dark begins to set in, the snails become active and ready to make moves at night.

Between bed time and dawn, most of them would have moved quite far away from the place I had kept them.

I began to wonder how they see without visible eyes and then something struck me.

They surely have an amazing sight for them to move well at night.

This capability of snail could be part of why it offers nutrients that support eye health.

Snail is said to be rich in vitamin A, making it a food that is beneficial to humans, in terms of eyesight.

According to a study, “one of the most important vitamin A functions is its involvement in visual phototransduction” (1).

Here, vitamin A serves as the crucial part of photopigment, the first molecule in the process of transforming photons of light into electrical signals.

When vitamin A is low or when there is fault in the process of ensuring that you see, the efficiency of visual detection is reduced.

Also, it causes the accumulation of toxic chemicals in the retina.

You see how important vitamin A is.

Eating snail gives your eyes some vitamin A to work with.

Snails Are Rich In Iron

Also, snail is rich in iron which also plays a role in ensuring that you have a great eyesight.

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Another study says iron plays an important role in ensuring that an individual has a great eyesight.

Therefore, eating snail will help boost the iron in the body and also impact on the eyesight.

Antioxidants In Snails and Eyesight

Inflammation and oxidation are two reasons your eyes could develop issues. Fortunately, Snails could provide antioxidants that could help lower oxidative stress and inflammation.

Imagine adding snail to this healthy egusi soup. Watch video to see how to prepare egusi soup in a healthy way.

See The Healthy Way To Prepare Egusi Soup

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