Thank you for your interest in our Flat Tummy Programme. We are delighted to have you sign up for this.
First, we want you to know that the best way to tell if you have visceral fat (abdominal fat) is to measure your waist.
The waist circumference is a good indicator of how much fat is deep inside the belly, around the organs.
For women, your risk of chronic disease is increased if the waist circumference is 80 cm (31 inches) or more and for men 94cm (37 inches) or more.
These measurements don’t apply to children or pregnant women.
There are different levels of investments that you can make towards your good health and getting your desired body figure and we have listed them below.
Level One:
One Month: Regular cost = ₦45,500
Discounted Cost = ₦35,500
- 2 Lifestyle and Flat tummy coaching sessions
- Arm and thigh shred and firm tips
- Tummy reduction tea 1 pack
- Nuts and seeds 1 pack
- Castor therapy kit
- Meal plans, exercise plans, workout plans and inspirations
Level 2
3 Months: Regular Cost = ₦68,500
Discounted Cost = ₦55,500
- 6 Lifestyle and Flat tummy coaching sessions
- Arm and thigh track
- Tummy reduction tea 2 packs
- Nuts and seeds 2 packs
- Castor therapy
- Meal plans, exercise plans, workout plans and inspirations
Level 3
6 Months: Regular Cost = ₦115,500
Discounted Price = ₦115,500
- 10 Lifestyle and Flat tummy coaching sessions
- Arm and thigh track
- Tummy reduction tea 4
- Nuts and seeds 3 packs
- Castor therapy.
- Meal plans, exercise plans, workout plans and inspirations
To keep your slot instantly make a deposit of ₦5,000 while you balance up your payment before your program starts. Discounted rate expires withing 14 days of receiving this document.
Depending on your budget you can start anywhere convenient for you. You will see results.
However, level 2 is a very good place to start for more result and to allow you form the necessary habit around the lifestyle you need to, first, reduce and then maintain a flat tummy.
Visceral Fat
Visceral fat (abdominal fat) is actually a health condition that should not be ignored or treatment delayed.
And why would any futuristic adult ignore or postpone working on their lifestyle or bulging tummy when it is directly related to many health outcomes such as elevated blood pressure, metabolic disorders, type 2 diabetes, hormonal imbalances, lower back pain, dementia, cancers etc.
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As you may already know, globally and locally, especially in Nigeria where we operate from prices of goods and services are on the increase on a regular basis and so we can’t guarantee that the current costs of the Flat tummy programme will remain same in the nearest future.
Moreso, the mind responds better to urgency than delays.
Delaying as you may have delayed before may leave you with a bigger belly fat in the years to come as belly fat does not drop on its own except there is an intentional effort or in the case of a certain sickness; God forbid.
So, if you are truly tired of hiding your mid-section in peplums, maxi gowns, bogus shirts and so on while wishing you could be as trim as you once were then you really want to take a spot.
I will be available to guide, should you need further clarifications.
Here are images of some meals that you could explore in the programme and a few testimonials from past students.