sperm leaks after sexual intercourse

Sperm Leaks Out Of Vagina After Intercourse, Any Need To Worry?

Pregnancy is something most, if not all, married women look forward to. But it could be disturbing when it is taking time to happen. Concern is heightened when sperm leaks out after intercourse.

How will pregnancy come? some women question, expressing concern and anxiety.

Some who want solution even hang their legs on the window and stay in that position for few minutes.

All in an effort to make the semen flow into the right track and get to the egg.

As a result of this concern, we had a chat with a family physician and consultant.

Volume Of Semen Could Hinder Pregnancy

Dr. Ademola Orolu is the Medical Director at Nathaniel Health Consulting and he explained the implications.

Interestingly, he began by explaining what the semen truly is.

“The normal volume of semen released during ejaculation is in the range of 1.5 to 5 millilitres (ml).

“If other features of the sperm inside the semen are normal, the sperm will do it’s job of fertilising the egg.”

Really, the volume of the semen is what matters at this point. It is not whether the sperm leaks out after sex.

This article may also be beneficial to you as a man: Men’s Sex Life: How Not To Be A 2-Minute Man

Emphatically, he said that if the volume of semen is less than 1.5ml, the amount of sperm is likely to be small.

However, Dr Orolu highlighted that apart from the volume of the semen, there are other factors that determine if the sperm will fertilise the egg or not.

“If the volume is more than 5ml, it may take too long for the semen to become “watery” for the sperm inside to swim out and fertilise the egg.

No Worries When Sperm Leaks

Really, you should not be worried if semen seeps out. You should be more concerned about the volume of the semen.

“When the man ejaculates, the semen bathes the entrance of the cervix, and the deeper parts of the vagina.

Pregnancy and Female reproductive organs
Female Reproductive Organ Photo Credit WebMD

“Of course, the sperm in the semen at the entrance of the cervix, if healthy, will travel up into the womb to look for the egg.

“Some of the sperm in the semen in the deeper part of the vagina will also find their way up into the womb later.

“Because the vagina is a blind organ (no thoroughfare), some sperm leaks out of the vagina (if every woman is observant),” Dr. Orolu further explained.

You will find our article on 5 Fertility Boosting Foods For Male And Female helpful

However, the volume of sperm that leaks depends on the total volume that was released by the man.

Therefore, a man who releases 4ml of semen may have more of it seep out of the woman than a man who releases 1.7 or 2.3 ml.

Conclusively, the sperm that will do the job will always find its way up to meet the egg.

The rest will flow out within minutes or die later inside the vagina and mix up with normal vaginal secretion.

Enjoy your intercourse moments and take away anxiety which our health coach says could hinder pregnancy from happening.



  1. Thanks Dr. Demola Orolu for the insight so what’s the solution to having the sperm to fertilise the egg? Secondly could sex be regulated or done that will produce a male child?

    1. Apart from the volume of the semen, the following parameters about the sperm are essential in order to fertilize the egg.

      Motility of the sperm;
      Structure of the sperm
      Sperm count:

      If a couple has issues with conceiving, both partners are assessed. There is treatment for most of the problems either one may have. The final resort is usually Assisted Reproductive Technique whereby artificial methods are used to fertilize the egg.

      There is no proven method to regulate intercourse to achieve a particular gender of the child. In-Vitro Fertilization ( IVF – a type of Assisted Reproductive Technique) is the ideal way to choose the sperm that will form a male or female child.

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