Healing From Plants

The Best Way To Get Healing From Plants

Healing from plants is such a great thing if you get it. In fact, it lasts long and gives you peace that passes human understanding. There are NO SIDE EFFECTS to plant healing.

Do you know that man was created not to die? Have you ever thought about why your injury heals and cover again? I tell you, every organ in the human body has the ability to heal. This includes your kidney and other organs that cause death when they fail.

Ask your doctor. The ones who still study.

Permit me to reference a widely read book in this copy. Do not take it personal so that you will be able to see what I am truly telling you here.

The Herbalist Mentality

Growing up, when I began to understand what a herbalist truly means from what people think about him as one who does evil, I wondered at the world’s level of perversion going unnoticed.

You see, the devil wanted to take the eyes of man away from herbs, which God gave the power to heal man, he sold a wrong story about herbalists.

He perverted the works of some who by their lust for money and evil in their hearts began to use herbs (plants) made for man’s healing for evil.

We all know that bad things go viral more than good things. So, ‘nobi today that thing start’.

For the avoidance of doubt, let me show you what herbalist means.

a practitioner of herbalism.
a dealer in medicinal herbs.
a botanical writer. (just like the writer of this article).

Benefits Of Herbs To Man

Now that you know, let us look at what was said to man about herbs in different places as recorded in my reference book, the bible.

…down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations (Rev 22:2). 

Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing” (Ezekiel 47:12).

Then God said: “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food”. (Genesis 1:29)

All scriptures above talk about the healing from plants. Yet the devil, in a bid to deprive man of that healing and make him die prematurely, without fulfilling purpose, he sold him a lie. He called herbalism evil.

A child shall die but at hundred, it is said

However, in order to buffet people with sicknesses and diseases, the devil made man lose faith in God about the plants He created for man. He sold lies.

So, humans lay the foundation for him to put sickness on them. They eat all things processed, but run away from natural things.

The scripture says, if the foundation be broken, what can the righteous do? The foundation of your body is the earth and the plants that are in it. And your body is the foundation of your spirit. The spirit that quickens your body is the righteous one and your body is the foundation and the spirit needs it to work His work.

Interestingly, the use of these plants for healing made people of old live long and clock amazing ages. They were a people given to herbs and plants. But this generation, Mba!

Now that you know these, let us introduce you to the healing power in plants and how to use them.

Identifying Herbs

You see, just everyone can identify a plant and know its use. The maker of these plants has a way of showing you what the plants can do with their shapes, leaf and flower.

Take a pawpaw for instance. If a woman notices breast cancer and takes the leave of pawpaw, that individual will be on their way to overcoming cancer.

If a nursing mother is having issues with breast milk, let her eat pawpaw and she will become a breast milk industry. Can you see that pawpaw looks like the breast?

The problem is; do you believe? Just so you know, your unbelief in these things is a sign of lack of trust in God, which is a foundation of your faith.

Think about it. You believe the maker made you to live long, yet you run away from what the maker is offering you to eat and live long.

See what researches said about pawpaw.

“Products that contain twig extracts of pawpaw (Asimina triloba, Annonaceae) are widely consumed anticancer alternative medicines” (1)

After another research, the researchers suggested that people who make medicine should look into “designing of novel formulation of Carica papaya (pawpaw) extract for the treatment of cancer” (2).

So, having pawpaw leaf as tea in the morning could be an amazing thing for anyone who is worried about cancer. It will give you peace as powered by the maker.

How To Treat Plants For Healing

However, before you use any plant, there is need for you to understand a few things.

You see, plants also hear. They have ears. That is why some things spoken in the bush could come to the open. Plants speak. Jesus had such encounter with the fig tree, remember. And Jesus answered it, saying no one will eat of you again…

I will bring another quote from my reference book again.

“Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name” (Genesis 2:19).

I hope you know living creature includes plants.

So, Adam speaks to the plants. He tells them what they will do for him based on what he knows in his spirit about them. This may be deep, but it is what it is.

You need to learn to speak to plants. The speaking begins before you take them. Tell them what you want to use them for before you begin to use them. That way, the plant knows what you want as a person with dominion over it.

Boiling Your Herb

After telling the plant what you want to use it for, if it is not in powder form, wash it and add it to a clay pot.

You see, clay pots are the best to cook with. They are made of the earth just like humans are earthen vessels.

I hope this rings bell to you.

Do not boil for long. Once it begins to boil, turn the fire off.

While it is still on the fire, speak to it. Tell the plant what you want it to do again and again so that the plant will align.

You see, you have added water to the pot and that is why you need to speak again so that the two elements will work together.

Furthermore, this last aspect is what is most essential, because the one who created the plants created them with words.

For this reason, you also have to speak to it, telling it what to do for you. You can see that the bible did not record specific things plants can do. But the maker wants humans to have the understanding by their spirit.

So, it is a human that identified what can treat diabetes, cancer, heart issues and all sorts.

Here is where everyone needs to align. Do you know that when you speak good words to water in a cup before placing it in a freezer it forms amazing shapes when iced?

Questions About Plant Dosage For Healing

Let’s talk about dosage.

You see, the thing about dosage is another lie the devil sells to humans. There is one thing about plants and fruits. You can never take excess of it if you pay attention to your taste buds and do not bring in greed in consuming it.

Have You Read: Typhoid Remedies: Causes, Symptoms You Should Know

God added to that organ something that will make you stop if you take so much of anything. How much oranges can you take if it is so sweet? It gets to a point, your teeth can’t take more shocks.

A glass of the juice of your boiled herb will not be too much. Remember that it is not about quantity, it is about consistency over time.

Who told you the quantity of Egusi to cook your soup with that is not overdose? Egusi is also a seed from a herb or plant.

With these words, I rest my case. Go and practice if you believe that the plants are made for your healing.

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