the rich claim they get less hours of sleep here is the truth you should know

The Rich Claim They Get Less Hours Of Sleep | Here Is The Truth

If you have ever heard someone say rich people get less hours of sleep than you do, here is something you should know.

Before I point you to the truth, I want to share a remarkable story that will change your thinking.

Some years ago, when I was in investment banking sector, I walked into the office of one of the directors in Union Bank of Nigeria and I saw a well made bed.

It was just few minutes to lunch time and I felt like jumping on that bed in the well airconditioned room to catch a nap.

Somehow, I was almost tempted to ask why the bed was there.

But it quickly came to mind that it was for afternoon naps. They really get this nap to make up for lost sleep hours.

That is a rich man there, having a bed in his office. This is often present in the offices of people in that class.

But a motivational speaker will come on stage and tell you that rich people don’t sleep as much as you do.

Some even tell you that the rich do only 4 hours of sleep per day.

The truth is that God alone is the one that does not sleep nor slumber.

For instance, Steve Harvey, broke the internet sometime ago when he said: “Rich people don’t sleep 8 hours a day”.

“That’s a third of your life.

“There ain’t but 24 hours in a day. You cannot be sleep eight hours a day,” he said.

He did not end this talk without referencing the bible.

Proverbs 6:11. “The Bible says he who loves to sleep and the folding of hands—poverty will set upon you like a thief in the night.”

Well said! But this talk right here drives people to unhealthy practices.

They do this because of the incomplete nature of this statements.

What they really don’t tell you is this.

1.      How Much Sleep You Need

There is how much of a sleep time that a human needs to stay very effective and productive.

We know that being effective and productive is one thing that increase wealth.

Emphatically, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says an adult needs 7 or more hours sleep per day (1).

This is applicable to persons that are between 18 to 60 years. People that are above 60 even need more than 8 hours.

This is essential for an individual to have his health function better and be as productive as possible.

Unfortunately, motivational speakers do not tell you how much of these hours rich people sacrifice to better their lives.

For instance, a person can do 7 hours of sleep and use the saved 1 hour for something more promising.

someone can even do less than that, but have a clear plan to make up for it in the office in the day.

A person who gets 7 hours rest time and still within 18 to 60 years range is still getting a reasonable amount of sleep.

But here is another thing.

Nature has a way of drawing its debt.

If you get less hours of sleep, for few days, you cannot sustain it for long in a stretch.

One of the days, you could even be walking and you are sleeping off. On such day, you will become almost unable to do anything productive.

Truly, no one can do a poor sleep time for long. This then means that on most days, these people get the normal hours they should get.

All they have done, is understand their body and plan around giving it enough rest each week.

If you go with this claim of less hours of sleep, you will drive your self to health issues.

2.     How Long The Rich Get Less Sleep Time

Here again is another thing that motivational speakers do not tell you about this claims.

The truth is that the rich sacrifice their sleep for a season of their lives and then they make adjustments as time goes by.

People Also Read: 2 Sleep Patterns That Increase An Adult’s Stroke Risk By 85%

All they do is sacrifice their sleep to finding the good course, developing strategies that will make it work.

Once they get the system right and it is working, they begin to get more time for sleep.

3.      Food, Supplements, Access To Healthcare

You see, it is not a good thing to follow these thought lines entirely.

These rich people have the money to take care of themselves. They get healthy foods and supplements that help their body give them the best.

But you eat gala and drink coke on your way back from work. When you get home home you eat unhealthy swallow and then you conclude you will do more hours at night.

Poor nutrition does not go well with sleep deprivation.

Above all, a rich person has access to good healthcare that caters to their health needs.

They have the money to take care of themselves when they feel they are over-stretching their body.

But you don’t have such resources available to you.

Get me right. I am not saying it is not good to have less hours of sleep. But know when to stop and how to manage it to give you the desired result.

Ensure that you use those hours you deprive yourself sleep for a good course that would yield money now or later.

Bottom Line

If you want to go with this rich people’s claims, please, bear in mind that there are consequences for long sleep deprivation.

Never desire to deprive yourself of sleep for so long all because you want to be rich.

Sleep deprivation could cause diabetes, high blood pressure and other chronic diseases. You hormones could run haywire if you make them unable to have a rhythm.

It is important that you give your body time to rest. Even God rested and that is just to show you that there is need for rest.

We will not end this without drawing your attention to Psalm 127:2It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep”.

This simply talks about the troubles that go with less hours rest all because you want to make money.

Do it with a good understanding of when you should stop and get a good rest.

Your body will crash if you continue to deprive yourself of sleep for a long period of time.


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