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8 Simple Things That Make Men Have Weak Erection

There are a lot of things that make a man have weak erection during sexual intercourse. In fact, weak erection cuts off a man’s desire and satisfaction when it comes to sex.

It is a painful feeling, but here is what happens.

When it is time for sexual intercourse a man’s hormones, nerves, muscles and blood vessels work together. They create an erection, but beyond that, something else happens.

At that point, the brain sends nerve signals to the penis to stimulate the muscles to relax.

The heart then pumps blood to the tissue in the penis and once blood fills the penis an erection happens.

It does not end there. After blood feels the penis, the blood vessels to the penis would close. This makes erection stay.

After the intercourse or as the man ejaculates, in most cases, the blood vessels open up to let the blood flow out.

Interesting as the process appears, not all men’s system function effectively like this.

Some begin the process and before they reach ‘Jerusalem’ the penis is weak again, cutting off the satisfaction they would have loved to get.

Sadly, the things that cause this weak erection are simple things that you ignore. Some are the things that you derive pleasure in doing, even though they cause your weak erection.

Here are some of the simple things that cause weak erection for men.

1.     Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Sadly, some men think alcohol helps keep a man’s erection for longer period.

But a study says alcohol could cause sexual dysfunction, the most common being premature ejaculation, low sexual desire and erectile dysfunction.

According to the study, the amount of alcohol consumed appeared to be the most significant predictor of developing sexual dysfunction (1).

Therefore, it is important to give attention to the amount of alcohol you take. Moderate to abstinence is what is recommended.

2.     Low Physical Activity Level

If you have weak erection, chances are that you do not engage in adequate physical activity. It is sad that you just go through a day without servicing your heart.

Remember that for a reasonable amount of blood to pump to the vessels in the penis, your heart will do the work.

But when you ignore the amount of exercise you should do, you expose your heart to issues.

Human’s are moving beings. In fact, the movement begins from the time the sperm is released to fertilise the egg.

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If the sperm lacks necessary speed to get to the egg before it dies, there will be no conception.

In the womb, a foetus’ sign of being alive is through movements. The kicks are movements.

Sadly, adults will go through the day, sitting more than they move. This lifestyle forces the heart to begin to perform poorly.

A study found that weekly exercise of 160 minutes for 6 months contributes to decreasing erectile problems in men with Erectile dysfunction caused by physical inactivity, obesity, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and/or cardiovascular diseases (2).

3.     Heart Disease

From the above, you can easily see the relationship between your heart and weak erection.

If you experience weak erection, chances are that your heart is not functioning as it should.

You need to increase exercise level and watch what you eat, as you will find in this article that food could cause this sexual issue.

Hypertension and other heart-related diseases could affect a man’s erection.

4.      Too Much Carbohydrate

Also, the excess consumption of something comes with a prize. Carbohydrate is one of those things that you must not eat in excess, especially if you engage in low activity level.

Unfortunately, carbohydrates are seriously abused in our part of the world (Nigeria).

When carbohydrates breakdown in your system it could rush to your blood as sugar.

Then, when you eat it more often than you should, it will often load your blood with sugar.

End result is that it will make your erection weak when it is time for sexual intercourse.

It is important that you chose age appropriate diet to help you maintain a safe blood sugar level.

According to a study, excess sugar in the blood (which further results in diabetes could cause sexual dysfunction, both in males and in females (3).

5.      Stress Could Cause Weak Erection

Men do a lot of things that directly or indirectly stress them out.

However, not many of them are aware that stress could make them have weak erection.

A study found that “many variables such as psychological disorders resulting from traumatic experiences (e.g. PTSD or depression), an individual’s method of coping with these experiences (which is influenced by their personality, gender, lifestyle, beliefs and values), combined with that individual’s overall mind set can play a part in erectile dysfunction” (4).

Do your best to find out what the stressors are; like not getting enough sleep, or staying so long in traffic which further results in fatigue, and eliminate them.

6.     Atherosclerosis (Hardening Of The Arteries)

Here is another issue that is connected with the heart. When the arteries that are supposed to allow blood flood to the penis is hardening, as a result of plaques that may be in the arteries it affects sexual function.

This is atherosclerosis.

One of the very things that could cause build up of plaque in your arteries is high cholesterol or fat (5).

This build up of fat is also a function of what you eat. It pays to lower intake of processed foods and other foods that have trans fat.

Reduce the amount of oil you use in cooking and frying your foods.

Alternatively, increase intake of whole grain foods, vegetables and fruits and then add fibre to your meal.

This is a simple way to keep your arteries free for adequate blood flow to the penis when it is time for sexual performance.

7.     Being Above Ideal Weight

Having a weight that is higher than what is ideal is another condition that exposes a person to weak erection.

People who are above their ideal weight are exposed to cholesterol deposits in blood, diabetes and even heart diseases.

Studies have linked cardiovascular diseases, erectile dysfunction and other chronic diseases to exceeding ideal weight (6).

8.     Smoking

If you smoke tobacco, find this as a reason to withdraw from it.

According to a study, smoking worsens erectile function through vascular mechanisms (Primarily depletion of nitric oxide).

Nitric oxide is involved in the widening of the blood vessels for proper flow of blood to your organs.

This it does by relaxing the inner muscles of your blood vessels.

Also another study further established that people who had erectile dysfunction and stopped smoking experienced improvement (7).

Things That Could Help Correct Weak Erection

First, you need to find out what is causing your weak erection. This will help you address the cause.

We recommend that you see a doctor for proper diagnosis and then you can chose to take medications while you also adjust lifestyle.

Increase activity level and watch what you eat.

Some foods and fruits to add to your diet if you have weak erection are:

Watermelon:  This fruit contains mostly water, but it has a compound called lycopene. This is an antioxidant that’s good for your heart, prostate, and skin.

Dark Chocolate: Chocolate is a rich source of flavanols. This is a plant nutrient that can increase blood flow. It also lowers blood pressure and helps your body make more of nitric oxide.

This oxide cab can help with erections.

Tomato: This also contains good quantity of lycopene.

Leafy Greens: Celery, broccoli and spinach are some leafy greens that may increase circulation. They are high concentration of nitrates.

Can Exercise Help Remedy Weak Erection?

Low exercise level is a cause of some health issues that affect the heart. Increasing physical activities will directly impact the heart.

So, whatever is good for the heart is good for other parts of the body.

See our earlier article on exercise and sexual function.

This Fruit Also Improves Sexual Health

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