thick tea; Is it good or bad

Thick Tea: Good Or Bad For You?

Do you love taking a thick tea? It is sweet and very nice to taste. You feel fulfilled when you take it and how it quenches your desire is absolutely amazing.

We know people that cannot take their tea except it is thick and sweet.

Some formed the habit from childhood and has held on to it even as adults.

Sadly they do not bother to find out if it is a good idea to take thick tea.

Is it good or bad?

Now you are beginning to think. There are many sides to the issue about taking thick tea.

As you read on, you will find out if you need to make adjustments or stay with your thick tea.

We will look at issues around health, as it relates to your heart, your bone, cancer issues, lactose intolerance and even contamination.

A Thick Tea

Your tea is thick when there is so much milk, chocolate and then sugar. It is usually prepared with small amount of water.

For your tea in your small tea cup to be thick, you have really taken a reasonable amount of the components above.

Let us look at the items and what they contain.


This is the brown dairy that you add to your tea.

Unfortunately, many people who take thick tea do not just take chocolate tea. They take the one that has sugar added to it already. There are so many of them in Nigeria.

Even with sugar already in the chocolate, some thick tea lovers will still add more refined or processed sugar.

Chocolate on its own is a great drink, but the sugar in the one you take increases your chances of getting more sugar into your system for one day.

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There is a good one that is just cocoa tea.  That is better.

Remember that most of the other foods you eat that are carbohydrates turn to sugar when broken down.

This places the person taking so much of this processed chocolate with added sugar at risk.

Excess consumption of added sugar in food has been linked to type-2 diabetes and weight gain.

It has also been linked to heart issues. In fact, researchers found an association between a high-sugar diet and a greater risk of dying from heart disease.

“Over the course of the 15-year study, people who got 17% to 21% of their calories from added sugar had a 38% higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared with those who consumed 8% of their calories as added sugar.”


milk and weight gain
Milk Is A Source Of Saturated Fat

In that your thick tea, you must have added at least three to four spoons of milk.

Milk is a good source of calcium which every one needs. But health practitioners have recommended that plant-base calcium is better.

Unfortunately, not so many are also aware that there is sugar in most milk products in Nigeria.

That again brings in sugar to your cup.

Also, if you read your products’ label you will find that milk contains saturated fat.

Saturated fat could clog the arteries and trigger some forms of heart diseases.

Adults are advised to stick with low-fat milk to reduce the amount of saturated fat they consume.


sugar and hormonal imbalance
Sugar Cubes That Are Processed

There are many studies that have identified the troubles with sugar while few counter that position.

However, sugar gives you energy and it is required that you burn this energy through the day.

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Unfortunately, most of the persons who take this thick tea do more of sedentary life. This is a snag to their diet.

According to researches, processed sugar, which you add to your thick tea, could trigger different health conditions.

Trouble In Your Thick Tea?

There are different studies that have identified the issues with diary drinks.

Heart Disease

As earlier stated, excessive consumption of diary products means excess intake of saturated fat.

Really, this exposes the individual to heart diseases and even weight gain.

The saturated fat in this products find their way into the blood arteries and that is when it becomes dangerous.

Also, it could offset high cholesterol which has been linked to heart issues.


Indeed, research has linked the high fat content and hormones in milk, cheese, and other dairy products to breast cancer.

A 2014 study of nearly 10,000 women found that those who consume low-fat diets have a 23% lower risk for breast cancer recurrence.

They also have a 17% lower risk of dying from the disease.

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In 2017, a study funded by the National Cancer Institute fond that women who consumed the most American, cheddar and cream cheese had a 53% higher risk for breast cancer.

The study compared the diets of women diagnosed with breast cancer to those without breast cancer.

Bone Health

Milk is a good source of calcium, but it appears to also affect the bone negatively when consumed in excess.

About bone health, there is a controversy, as to the extent milk affects your bone.

While a 2015 study finds no link between dietary calcium intake and bone fracture, another study linked hip fracture in adults to the amount of milk consumed during teenage years.

Lactose Intolerance

Each time you take milk, your body is supposed to break down the sugar in it. Sadly, as we age, we lose this capacity.

If your system fails to absorb lactose it remains in the intestine and causes trouble.

yoghurt training in nigeria
Unsweetened Yoghurt Is A good Source Of Calcium

This is the reasons some persons have stomach upset, diarrhea, and gas after consuming their thick tea.

Unfortunately, most persons with lactose intolerance are not aware.


This is another issue with milk from animals.

It can bring in toxins to your body. Most of the animals get hormone boosting drugs to make them produce more milk.

These contaminants find their way into the milk and then it is taken by humans.

Some of the animals also get some doses of antibiotics to keep them healthy. Unfortunately this goes into the milk that you take.

What To Do To Your Thick Tea

Based on the findings above, it is advisable to consume these products in minimal quantities. better still, you should depend more on plants for your calcium and other nutrients that they offer.

Leafy green vegetables are rich in calcium. Spinach, broccoli, kale, green beans. sweet potatoes, and parsley among others are some with high deposit of this mineral.

Yoghurt is also a good source of calcium and it is healthier. This is because of it fermentation process.

Just ensure your yoghurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei.

Plants are the original foods for man. Your body understands them better.

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