trying to get pregnant at christmas holiday and things to travel with

Trying To Conceive: Tips That Help People Get Pregnant At Christmas

Are you trying to get pregnant? Christmas is a great time to give it a push.

Why are we saying so? There is a story, we will share with you and after that interesting story, we will share the things you should do to get pregnancy at Christmas.

Back in the days, growing up in my little community in Delta State, Nigeria, I noticed some things about Christmas.

One of the things that happen in little communities is that city boys will come and intimidate ‘local’ boys.

The intimidation is often humiliating that they will also take their girlfriends (lovers). The girl will be so carried away by the words from the sugar-coated tongue of the city boy that she would throw caution in the wind.

The perfume, the money, good times, and stories of the beautiful city, often make the girls want to adventure more even to the city boy’s village room.

Hmmmm. The love is just kicking-off and the city boy will announce his departure.

Wow! It dawns on her that she would soon be on her own for months without a male company at those moments she would want desperately, that physical touch and intimate hug that turn things on.

Pregnant At Christmas

Few months down the line, the girl who is not lucky will show evidence of what happened when she dared to lay on the city boy’s bed.

Pregnancy often manifests after this Christmas season and there are few things that are responsible for it.

Ovulation for some women will happen between Christmas and New Year. Those days are often when the woman wants a man desperately. Although some will always fight the man during this time, those who manages to resolve with intercourse often reap the reward.

In case you don’t know, that fight and quarrels are the devils way of trying to truncate God’s pronouncement of fruitfulness on man. A matter for another day.

That said, Christmas holiday is indeed a time for couple’s who are trying to conceive to try for baby.

Here are some vital practices that have aided conception at this period.

1.     Use Your Husband’s Morning Wood

You see, when it is becoming morning, a man experiences this erection that are not most times triggered by sexual thoughts of desires.

Naturally, the penis gains erection because there is proper flow of blood to the location. This is triggered by a rise in testosterone towards the morning, a situation backed by studies.

A woman in ovulation is also more ready to welcome the adventurous sperm, opening the chances of conception.

There are some school of thoughts around the release of egg in the early hours of the morning when the man also experiences erection.

They have questioned why testosterones rises at this hour if the maker of man had no intention for man to reproduce.

Go ahead and make that morning intercourse a more pleasurable moment and come back with that testimony.

2.     Time Your Ovulation Properly

If you are trying to conceive, this is another thing to get right.

You see, if a woman does not ovulate – anovulation – pregnancy will not occur, except by miracle.

In fact, a study highlights that the timing of sexual intercourse in relation to ovulation strongly influences the chance of conception (1).

That said, it is important that a woman learns how to calculate ovulation. Once you can target that period and engage in vigorous intercourse, yes, vigorous intercourse, the chances of getting pregnant increases significantly.

You can reach out to our health coach to help you with the proper calculation.

3.     Let Your Lowered Stress Level Stay Low

Also, one of the things that hinder conception from happening is hormonal imbalance. This imbalance could be triggered by high stress level.

Fortunately for anyone trying to conceive, stress level lowers at Christmas. There is holiday and that stress of going to work, especially for Nigerian women in Lagos, lowers.

The lower the stress, the high the chances of conception.

You may say that Christmas season is when people run around to make sure Christmas would be a great one.

Well, be that as it may, people also get pleasantries from family members and loved ones.

These compliments often lightens them up.

You know how you feel when you hear from a friend whom you have not hard from for a long time.

The feeling that you get when you receive complements is like what you get when you receive money in your account. You can connect, right?

That feeling often lowers stress level, experts say (2).

4. Explore New Positions To Get Pregnant

The last thing to explore is different, yet right, sexual positions.

One of the easiest ways to get a woman pregnant is adopting a position that aids the flow of sperm to the area fertilisation happens. This is most assuredly true if the semen motility is low.

Think of positions that will allow deep penetration and flow of semen. If you want to try the missionary, raise her waist with a pillow. That really helps.

Well, most woman often know the positions that give them that deep-penetration-feeling.

Stay glued to those positions this season and your relaxed hormones and the man’s high testosterone in the mornings would be a plus.

Significance Of Christmas If You Want To Get Pregnant

Finally, nothing happens without a cause. You see, the Christmas period is the time agreed to be the month for the celebration of the birth of a child by a virgin.

It is a significant situation that has not happened after Jesus Christ.

That is one reason to boost your faith level at this time and try. If a virgin could give birth, a woman who gets a sperm meant to cause the fruitfulness and multiplication happen should also get pregnant.

Are you trying to get pregnant? It makes so much sense not to get carried away by the festivities this period.

If you do, you will go through the period without having single sexual intercourse with your partner.

Enjoy your holiday and bond well this season, the result will wow you.

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