turmeric tea health benefits Turmeric for treatment of vaginal infection

Turmeric For Treatment Of Vaginal Infection | Does It Work?

Recently, some of our readers expressed their desire to know the potency of turmeric in the treatment of vaginal infection.

Sincerely, we empathise with every woman that is tackling vaginal infection.

Unfortunately, the way a woman’s reproductive organ is makes her very susceptible to vaginal infection.

Sadly, just a simple imbalance in the bacterial and fungal levels in the vagina could trigger it.

But nature provides help to ladies and their desire to keep the monster away.

Indeed, vaginal infection could be so troubling. The itchy sensation could force a lady to withdraw from social activities.

Earlier, we wrote about cloves and its ability to inhibit the replication of bacteria or fungi in the vagina.

That article talks about how to use this spice to restore the necessary balance that keeps the vagina healthy.

But the questions on the efficacy of turmeric for treatment of vagina infection requires that we put this article together.

Basically, it could be of great benefit to you if you will read to the end.

What Is Turmeric?

Turmeric plant (Curcuma longa), in the ginger family, is native to Southeast Asia. People in India grow it for commercial purpose.

They use it as a medicinal plant. Turmeric has been in use in that region for thousands of years.

Interestingly, turmeric is becoming more popular around the world to the extent that you can grow it in your garden.

Truly, you sometimes use it without knowing. Yes! It is one of the ingredients that give the curry powder you add to your stew its colour.

Other Vagina Health Aids

Its rhizome (underground stem) is an amazing ingredient in culinary spice and traditional medicine.

Most importantly, the underground stem is the most used part of the plant.

Its rhizome (underground stem) is an amazing ingredient in culinary spice and traditional medicine.

It is one of the known plants with high antioxidant content.

Also, a study says turmeric contains antioxidants (curcuminoids) that combat the effect of toxins (1).

This curcuminoids are antioxidants that work like vitamin E and also help in breaking down antibodies.

According to studies, when you take turmeric, it scavenges different forms of free radicals, such as reactive oxygen and nitrogen species that could affect your health.

Basically, turmeric helps improve systemic markers of oxidative stress. It boosts your immune system.

Talking about turmeric for treatment of vaginal infection, are there chances that it could work?

Turmeric For Treatment Of Vaginal Infection

A study highlights that “Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is the second most common infection of the lower female genital among women passing through their productive age” (2).

One of the major causes of this infection is the overgrowth of yeast – Candida albicans.

Indeed, this is the most common VVC agents followed by, non‑albicans Candida species.

Furthermore, the trial study of 94 women with VVC has some interesting findings you should see.

For one week, a percentage of the women received 5 grams of a curcumin-based cream.

After the application, researchers found that there was a significant reduction in the number of negative cultures in the group receiving curcumin.

Why Turmeric Could Work For You

Furthermore, there are other studies on the properties of turmeric and its efficacy against bacteria and fungi.

According to a study, curcumin could reduce the bacterial counts of Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and E. coli (3).

Most importantly, the above results has implications. Just in case the cause of the vaginal infection is overgrowth of bacteria, turmeric could inhibit the count and give you result.

Also, the study says curcumin exhibited inhibitory activity on methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus strains.

On its potency on inhibiting the growth of candida, the study says methanol extract of turmeric demonstrated antifungal activity against Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida albicans (4).

Additionally, another study highlights that curcuma longa (curcumin) is rich in different phytochemicals, with antifungal activity against Aspergillus sp.

It concludes that Curcuma longa has more antifungal potential as compare to other plants (5).

How To Use Turmeric For Treatment Of Vaginal Infection

Well, one of the research works above says a turmeric-based cream could be applied to the vagina.

While the cream may not be available, you could try turmeric tea, which will also give you result.

See How To Make Turmeric Tea.

Also, you can add a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm water and wash your vagina with it at night before you sleep.

This will have direct contact with the bacteria or fungi that is causing the infection.

Kindly note that there are no much trials on the effectiveness of this procedure. But going by research, there are chances it would give you result.

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