smelly vagina and vagina odour natural treatments of vaginal itching

Vaginal Itching: All You Should Know And Home Remedies

Vaginal itching could happen as a result of stress, infection or application of irritating substances in the vagina

It could also occur as a result of douching, the cream you applied on your body or a skin disease.

Other causes are menopause and vulvar cancer.

Fortunately, not all vaginal itching has underlying health condition.

The sad part, however, is that it could be so embarrassing and make a woman’s social life unenjoyable.

To be sure there is no underlying condition causing your vaginal itching, you should see a doctor.

Cause Of Vaginal Itching

Here are some things that your doctor could identify as the cause. They are a likely causes of vaginal itching.

We will begin with the most common causes and then go to others.

1.     Yeast Infection

This is one of the most common causes of vaginal itching.

You see, in a woman’s vagina, yeast or fungus is present. However, it does not cause problems once it is in check.

But where there is an overgrowth of this yeast, that is, when it exceeds the proportion it should be, it causes infection.

Sadly, vaginal yeast infection is one of the most common infection among women in child bearing age (1).

Another name for it is thrush and it could affect a woman’s fertility.

According to a study, the typical symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are itching, an unpleasant burning feeling and pain.

The membranes lining the vagina become red and have a whitish coating (2).

Yeast infections often clear up after a short course of treatment with vaginal suppositories or creams.

Sometimes, it can be a good idea to take tablets, but the doctor will decide.

2.     Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

This is another reason a woman could experience vaginal itching.

Also, in a woman’s vagina, there are good and bad bacteria.

When there is an imbalance in the levels, an infection occurs.

According to a study, BV represents a condition in which there is an imbalance between naturally occurring good and bad bacteria in the vagina (3).

Unfortunately, BV increases the risk of upper genital tract infection and adverse outcomes of pregnancy.

In most cases, it does not present symptoms, but when it does, it presents fishy odour that comes in form of discharge. Also, itching is common.

3.     Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Vaginal itching could also happen when a woman contracts a sexual transmitted Disease.

A woman may experience itching if she has: gonorrhea, genital herpes, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and genital warts.

Furthermore, these sexually transmitted diseases could also cause additional symptoms.

Some of these are abnormal growths and green or yellow vaginal discharge, and pain while urinating.

4.     Use Of Irritating Chemicals And Douching

Basically, it is important that you mind what you bring close to your vagina.

Some chemicals could have negative effect, one of which is itching.

The truth is that some soaps, creams, lubricants and ointments can irritate the vagina.

Even the detergent you wash your cloths with can irritate the vagina if not properly rinsed out of the fabric.

Other items that could cause irritation are bubble baths, some contraceptives, fabric softeners and scented toilet paper.

Furthermore, douching could cause vaginal itching.

These things could reduce the amount of good bacteria in the vagina and cause an imbalance in level. This further leads to infection (4).

5.     Skin Diseases

Skin diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis, can cause redness and itching in the vagina.

Eczema, often presents reddish rash and itch with a scaly texture. It primarily occurs in people with asthma or allergies.

This skin disease may spread to the vagina in some women.

On the other hand, psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes scaly, itchy, red patches to form along the scalp and joints.

Also, in some cases, outbreaks of these symptoms may occur on the vagina.

6.     Stress

Yes! stress can also cause vaginal itching, even though it s an indirect effect.

For instance, physical and emotional stress can lower a woman’s immune system and make her prone to infection (5)

7.     Vulvar Cancer

This is another cause of itching in the vagina. Although it is rare, it is a type of cancer that develops in the vulva.

The vulva is the external part of the female’s genitals that includes the inner and outer lips of the vagina, the clitoris, and the opening of the vagina.

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This form of cancer may not always cause symptoms, but when it does, they may include itching, abnormal bleeding, or pain in the vulvar area.

8.     Menopause

Unfortunately, women who are going through menopause also experience itching in the vagina.

At this stage in life, the level of estrogen drops and this leads to vaginal atrophy.

Vagina atrophy is the thinning, drying and inflammation of the vaginal walls that may occur when your body has less estrogen.

This dryness that happens could cause vaginal itching and irritation. A doctor can help diagnose and treat this condition.

Other Causes

Diabetes or urinary incontinence can also lead to itching. This often happens because of the urine that comes in contact with the surface area of the vagina.

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Vaginal Itching

Once you notice this itching is persistent for more than a week, see a doctor.

The physician will diagnose the condition and then offer treatment.

Home Remedies For Vaginal Itching

Basically, there are some things that you can do if you notice itching.

Starting early to implement these home remedies could help reduce the effect or even get rid of the infection.

  • Ensure you wipe from front to back after pooing.
  • Wash your vagina with cloves in warm water.
  • Wash with goron tula water.
  • Stop using scented soaps, lotions, and bubble baths around your vagina.
  • Keep vaginal sprays away.
  • Do not douche.
  • Take off your damp cloth right after swimming or exercising.
  • Ensure your under-ware or underpants are cotton material and change everyday.
  • Add foods that boost good bacteria to your diet – like yoghurt with live cultures.
  • Do not engage in unprotected sex.

If you apply these things, you will find that the itching will cease and you will feel better.

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