
Do You Eat Watermelon? You Should Read This

Water is life and here comes one of those fruits that carry life – watermelon. This amazing fruit belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family.

Watermelon, which also goes by the name, Citrullus lanatus, is native to Kalahari desert of Africa.

However, it is currently cultivated in tropical regions of the world. Your location may be one of such places.

According to history, the first harvest of watermelon was documented 5,000 years ago in Africa and Egypt to be precise.

After that harvest, watermelon spread to other parts of the world.

While the cultivation of the fruit is spreading to countries, not everyone eats it. To some it is just tasteless and almost like water.

You see, do not forget the fact that it has its unique colour and that colour means a lot.

Unfortunately, if you do not eat watermelon, you are losing out from the so many health benefits it offers.

These benefits should make you consider adding it to your diet.

Nutritional Profile Of Watermelon

In a 2014 study, researchers say the nutritional composition of watermelon is as follows.

They say that if you eat 100 grams of watermelon it will provide you a minimum of 30 calories.

Furthermore, it contains almost 92% water and 7.55% of carbohydrates out of which 6.2% are sugars and 0.4% dietary fiber.

Also, watermelon is rich in carotenoid, vitamin C, citrulline, carotenoids, flavonoids and fat.

However, this kind of fat is cholesterol free and as a result, it is a low caloric fruit.

Additionally, watermelon is a rich source of beta-Carotene (ß-carotene). This compound acts as an antioxidant and precursor of vitamin A.

One of the very unique compounds in watermelon is lycopene. But watermelon is also a source of B vitamins, especially B1 and B6 (1).

Also, it contains minerals such as potassium and magnesium.

As a result of these compounds in this fruit, it offers so much health benefits.

1.      Boosts Your Heart Health

If you eat this fruit, your heart will benefit from the lycopene in it. This compound holds so much for you.

According to the 2014 study, lycopene has potential to prevent various chronic ailments (2).

One of such ailments is heart disease.

Sadly, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is something that could start anytime as one advances in age and lowers activity level.

Heart disease is a leading cause of mortality.

Unfortunately, cardiac risk could also rise because of high presence of bad cholesterol in the body. This could result in sub-acute chronic inflammation.

However, dietary lycopene could exert cardio-protective effects on humans due to their high antioxidant activity.

“Watermelon is also helpful to lessen some other metabolic syndromes, this happens because it is a good source of vitamin A, B6, C, magnesium, potassium.

“These along with lycopene are health promoting functional ingredients associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disorders.”

According to experts, potassium and sodium concentrations play a crucial role in electric signal functioning of the heart’s middle thick muscle layer, known as the myocardium (3).

2.     Watermelon Could Lower Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is an etiological factor that triggers various metabolic dysfunctions (4).

According to studies, uncontrolled oxidation could trigger excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS).

This reaction is a causative agent of many ailments.

Fortunately, a diet that is rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals can help address these ailments.

While that is true, if you allow excessive production of free radicals to happen in your body, it will lead to atherosclerosis (the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on the artery walls).

However, a diet-based therapy indicates a significant role of lycopene in the reduction of oxidative damage of DNA and lymphocytes.

Also, it results in a short term improvement in Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation.

3.     Reduces Risk Of Cancer

Cancer is increasingly becoming a troubling cause of death across the globe.

But this is also another area that lycopene plays a great role.

In fact, the lycopene in watermelon has also been linked with a potency to fight cancer (5).

According to studies, a number of evidences are available, indicating direct linkages between food active components and cell genomic, with special reference to cancer treatment.

Helpful Diet-related Articles

“Being active dietary component, lycopene interferes at various stages of cancer development – DNA mutation and tumor metastasis.”

As a result, it has direct impact on gene and inhibits mutation.

Also, cumulative evidences suggested that lycopene could suppress proliferation of colon cancer.

However, research says understanding of lycopene and gene interaction has not yet been well established and needs further research.

4.    Lowers Blood Sugar Level In Diabetics

There is need for caution here and you should read this section of this article carefully.

You see, the amount of watermelon you eat depends on whether it will give you a good result of even raise your blood sugar level.

Basically, watermelon contains natural sugar and excess consumption could make blood sugar go up.

But researches say patients with hyperglycemia are more prone towards the risk of coronary complications.

This is often caused by elevated oxidative stress and LDL oxidation.

Also, foods that contain high glycemic index, could significantly elevates glucose and its auto-oxidation.

When this happens the consequence is that it generates free radicals and cell damage.

However, the lycopene in watermelon helps decreases diabetes. It helps in the management of glucose abnormalities.

It also has the ability to decrease body glucose and raise insulin level in type-2 diabetes.

5.     Improves Your Eyesight

People who live in locations where there is high exposure to the rays from the sun could have eye issues.

Also, if you live in places that are highly populated where there is also high exposure to dust and smoke, you could experience some issues with your eyesight as you age.

If you are noticing any issues with your eyesight, may be it is just time to grab some slices of watermelon. Add them to your diet regularly.

You see, macular (eyes) degenerative disease begins with the thinning of macula layer of the retina.

This results in gradual decrease in vision and the symptoms include appearance of yellow spots.

One component in watermelon that works magic for your eyes is carotenoids.

According to researches, carotenoids could reduce the risk of macular and other degenerative disorders (6).

6.      Keeps You Hydrated

Water is one thing that we often do not get adequate volume each day. However, adding watermelon to your diet would help a lot in increasing the amount of water you get per day.

You see, staying hydrated helps your body to function properly.

If you desire a good body temperature regulation, normal organ function, nutrient delivery to cells, and alertness you need to maintain a good hydration (7).

Again, it is important to mention that watermelon comprises 92% water. It is a good source of water and you should add it to your diet.

7.     Helps In Weight Management

Also, it is important to mention that watermelon could aid your desire to keep weight gain away.

This fruit is high in water content and it is low in calories.

When you eat foods that are low in calories they help you keep weight gain away, especially if you have low physical activity level.

If you do not not burn as much calories you take in each day, you have balance which often stores up as fat in your body.

8.     Watermelon Improves Digestion

The fruit is a good source of water which aids bowel movement. Also, it contains a small amount of fibre that also aids digestion.

For instance, when you eat it, the water content will help move waste through your digestive tract.

Fibre on the other hand helps keep your bowels regular (8).

Taking this fruit could reduce risk of constipation and also make your food digest properly.


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