Weight gain after childbirth

Weight Gain After Childbirth: Why It Happens, What To Do

Weight gain after childbirth is a common concern for many women. While some weight gain is a natural part of pregnancy and postpartum recovery, there are several reasons women may experience significant weight gain after giving birth.

It’s essential to understand these factors. Indeed, they will  help you promote a healthy postpartum journey.

I am a mum of two and one of the things I do each time I give birth is making sure I return to shape.

My husband had been magnanimous enough to whisper to my ears: “Please, do well to keep the shape after childbirth.

I took it in good faith, reminding myself that lovemaking happens as a result of appeal which often is moved my sight.

Really, I understood quite well how much impact not doing my best to stay in shape could have on our sexual relationship. As they say, men are moved by sight [chuckle].

So, I have stayed with my shape, even after two.

If you will want to know why you gain weight and how to keep weight gain after childbirth aside (outside) here are a few things you should know.

1. Pregnancy Weight Gain

During pregnancy, women naturally gain weight to support the growth and development of the baby.

This weight gain is not limited to the baby but also includes the placenta, amniotic fluid, increased blood volume, and the enlargement of the uterus.

On average, a healthy pregnancy can result in a weight gain of 25 to 35 pounds (11.3 to 15.8kg), which contributes to postpartum weight.

2. Fluid Retention

After childbirth, the body goes through a period of diuresis, which is the increased excretion of fluids.

Also, the body retains fluids during pregnancy, and it takes some time for this excess fluid to be eliminated.

This temporary fluid retention can add to postpartum weight.

3. Uterine Involution

The uterus, which expands during pregnancy, gradually returns to its pre-pregnancy size through a process called uterine involution.

As the uterus shrinks, it can contribute to postpartum weight loss.

4. Breast Changes

After childbirth, women’s breasts often become larger and heavier due to milk production. This can add to overall body weight during the breastfeeding period.

5. Changes In Body Composition

The distribution of weight in the body may change after childbirth, with more fat accumulating in the abdominal area.

Hormonal changes can also affect how fat is stored in the body.

6. Postpartum Hormonal Changes

Hormonal fluctuations, particularly in the months following childbirth, can influence appetite and metabolism.

These changes may lead to increased food cravings and a slower metabolism, making it easier to gain weight.

7. Sleep Deprivation

New mothers often experience disrupted sleep patterns, which can lead to fatigue and increased stress.

Lack of sleep may contribute to unhealthy eating habits and weight gain.

A study says restricting sleep for up to 5 days can lead to short-term weight gain (1)

8. Lack of Physical Activity

The demands of caring for a newborn can limit a mother’s time and energy for physical activity.

Also, a sedentary lifestyle can hinder weight management.

9. Emotional Factors

Postpartum emotions, including stress, anxiety and depression, can impact eating habits. Emotional eating can contribute to weight gain.

10. Lack Of Self-Care

Many new mothers prioritise the well-being of their baby over their own self-care. This can result in neglecting healthy eating and exercise habits.

Managing Postpartum Weight

It’s important to remember that postpartum weight gain is a natural part of the childbirth process, and it varies from woman to woman.

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To manage postpartum weight, it’s essential to adopt a balanced approach, focusing on healthy eating, physical activity, and self-care.

Consultation with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian can provide personalised guidance for postpartum weight management.

Also, you may want to try a few things I have tried which are focused on diet, physical activities, self-care and adequate sleep.

Additionally, seeking emotional support and a strong support system can help women navigate the challenges of the postpartum period more effectively.

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