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What Causes Seizure Disorder? What To Do

Seizure disorder, also known as epilepsy, can have various causes, and they often result from abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

Sadly, identifying the specific causes or cause of seizure disorder can be challenging in many cases, but here are some common factors that may contribute to the development of seizure disorders:

 1.  Genetic Factors

Individuals with a family history of epilepsy may have a higher risk of developing the condition. Indeed, certain genetic factors can predispose someone to seizures.

If you or your loved one have seizure disorder, check if someone in your family ever had it.

2.  Structural Brain Abnormalities

Furthermore, abnormal growths in the brain, such as tumours, can disrupt normal brain function and trigger seizures.

So, brain tumours could be the reason the seizures happen.

Malformations: This is one of the causes of seizure disorder.

Structural abnormalities present from birth, such as cortical dysplasia or malformations of brain development, may contribute to epilepsy.

Scarring (Brain Lesions): Scarring from injuries, infections, or previous surgeries can lead to increased susceptibility to seizures.

3.  Head Injuries

Also, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) could cause seizure disorder.

It could be a consequence of head injuries, particularly those causing damage to the brain.

There are traumatic brain injuries that affect how the brain now functions.

As a result, seizures will happen.

4.  Infections

Infections affecting the brain, such as meningitis or encephalitis, can lead to inflammation and scarring, increasing the risk of seizures.

5.  Metabolic Disorders

Diabetes: Poorly controlled diabetes or other metabolic disorders can affect brain function and contribute to seizures.

Electrolyte Imbalances: Also, Significant imbalances in electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium) can influence the electrical activity of the brain.

For this, it is good to watch your intake of foods that are high in potassium, calcium and sodium.

Furthermore, lowering salt intake and then checking foods that your eat that are high in potassium and calcium will help improve the condition.

6.  Neurological Disorders

Stroke: Strokes can cause damage to brain tissue, disrupting normal neural activity and potentially leading to seizures.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia: Progressive neurodegenerative disorders may be associated with an increased risk of seizures.

7.  Developmental Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Some individuals with autism may experience seizures, and the relationship between the two is an area of ongoing research.

8.  Perinatal Injury

Birth Injuries: Complications during birth that lead to oxygen deprivation or trauma can contribute to the development of epilepsy later in life.

9.  Drug and Alcohol Abuse:

Substance Abuse: Chronic drug or alcohol abuse can increase the risk of seizures.

Also, withdrawal from certain substances may trigger seizures.

10. Unknown Causes (Idiopathic)

In many cases, the cause of epilepsy remains unknown. This is often referred to as idiopathic epilepsy.

What To Do

Importance Of Medical Evaluation In Treatment Of Seizure Disorder

First, determining the cause of a seizure disorder is crucial for developing an appropriate treatment plan.

If someone experiences seizures, a comprehensive medical evaluation, including imaging studies (like MRI or CT scans), electroencephalogram (EEG), and a thorough medical history, is typically conducted to identify potential contributing factors.

Management of seizure disorders often involves antiepileptic medications, lifestyle modifications, and, in some cases, surgical interventions.

Individuals with epilepsy should work closely with healthcare professionals to determine the most suitable treatment plan for their specific condition.

Regular medical follow-ups are essential for monitoring progress and adjusting treatment as needed.

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If you have seizure disorder, your doctor may also check for underlying health conditions such as infections, lead poisoning, anemia, and diabetes that may be causing or triggering the seizures (1).

Lifestyle Modifications That Helps In Seizure Disorder

Furthermore, you may want to try some lifestyle modifications that could improve your life.

A few lifestyle modifications to try are:

Adequate Sleep

Fatigue is one of the most common seizure triggers, and disrupted sleep can make the brain more vulnerable to misfiring.

So, look at your sleep pattern and see where you need to make adjustments.

Avoiding Drugs And Alcohol

These can be triggers for seizures in patients with epilepsy. Even one or two drinks can provoke seizures. So, keeping those away from your home is the number one way of not taking them.

Minimising Emotional Stress

Although, there is no definitive proof that stress causes seizures, those who maintain healthy stress levels have reported that they believe it reduces their risk.

Poor sleep pattern could be the reason a person is so stressed.

Basically, find a way to identify the stressors and eliminate them.

Frequency Of Exercise

Often, we bring this in as much as possible. You are a moving being and the more you try to eliminate movement from your life, the more trouble you invite.

Really, your body was not designed to always sit in one place – sedentary behaviour. But people often force it into the lifestyle because of work.

In addition to a range of health benefits, regular exercise can help reduce risk of seizure.

However, you should consult your physician before starting a new exercise routine, as some exercises can, rarely, cause seizures.

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