White Meat how to prepare white meat

White Meat Could Be Unhealthy If…

There is much talk about white meat being the best for humans to eat. But there is less talk on how white meat is also an unhealthy meat.

Unfortunately, some persons will say things like: “They have come again with myths”.

Really, there is much to know when you want to eat healthy in a world with people driven by profit.

For instance, the farmer, who is breeding birds, puts his profit first before the consumer’s health needs. Think about that for a moment.

White Meat

White meat is a meat that is pale in color before and after cooking. The colour stays same. So, any meat you boil that changes from white to another, you should judge it properly.

That said, meat like chicken and turkey are leading in this category of meat. In fact, they have been widely consumed.

This much consumption of white meat has resulted in its increase in production, beyond any kind of bird and other animals that exist.

Fast Growth Technique

As a result, man has brought in things that would make the reproduction of this calibre of animal faster and easier. It will also increase their turnover time and revenue.

This compounds made by man could make the bird grow and be ready for sale in 4 weeks. There is a form of fertiliser in the feed and medication that is what is making them grow so fast.

By nature, a chicken is supposed to mature at 16 weeks and above. Also, a broiler, which is the one people eat most, is supposed to mature for the market between 7 and 9 weeks.

But the farmers have devised ways for fast turnover, so they load the chicken with growth steroids.

Now these things are not chemicals that the human body understands.

We all need white meat, especially those that are above 40 years.

Although, if a person sticks to these healthier option from a young age, it will be to that individual’s benefit, even most, as age goes south.

So, people get these meat from malls and other places with the intention of eating healthy.

Chemical Residue In White Meat

Unfortunately, most of them are not aware of the chemicals the chicken is bringing to roast.

There are different medications that are given to chickens and at least one is antibiotics.

The residue of this antibiotics remains in the flesh of the chicken at the point of preparation for the market.

As a result, this requires that you clean your chicken in a way that will reduce the residue.

Fats In Your Chicken

I used to love the way my boiled chicken comes out when I look into the pot. The water is shinny, the stock is sweet and brings that chicken aroma into my meals when I pour it in.

This has been, like it is for many, one reason chicken stood out for me back then.

For some who eat this, it could make their hormones go haywire. It could make body weight head north and offer breakouts almost all of the facial skin.

You see, the hormones that farmers load the chicken with, is not for humans. As a result, when it comes into the body of any human, it begins to act strange.

These growth hormones come in and also want to distribute fat in the human body like it does in the chicken.

When this happens, hormonal imbalance could occur in the human, forcing the individual to add weight.

Interestingly, fat does not find a hold within the flesh of white meat like it does in red meat.

How To Clean White Meat – The Healthy Way

For this reason, it is good to remove every fat you find in the chicken. Underneath the skin (the part between the flesh and the skin) is where this fat hides.

To make your white meat healthy for you  to eat, your preparation process is absolutely important.

That is where you could miss it and make your white meat unhealthy.

Clean your chicken, washing with clean water and a little salt. Remove every fat you find in the chicken.

Now, pull the skin to take it out. Make sure you do this. If you like to eat the chicken skin, because of the taste or nutrients it offers – Zinc, Iron, Copper, Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and others – still pull out the skin and keep it in a healthy pot separately (1).

The flesh should be soaked in water (with little salt) for some minutes to reduce residue of antibiotics or hormones that may be in the flesh.

After about 5 minutes, do the next thing.

Bring a clean water to boiling point and pour that water in the pot containing the skin. Also, pour in the other containing the flesh.

Allow for few minutes and then pour out the water. You should see oil (fat) floating on that water.

Biblical Instruction On Fat

Pour that water away and then spice your chicken in the pot, making sure you pay attention to the amount of salt you use. When you add excess salt, you make the meat unhealthy.

Add a little water and then place it on the fire.

Now, you have seen that white meat could be unhealthy if you do not treat it the right way you should.

Now, let’s bring in a little dimension to it for people who believe in God. In Leviticus 4: 8 God commanded that the fat in a bull should be taken out and there are other scriptures where that instruction also exists.

This instruction tells you that you should take out the fat in meat before you eat it.

A chicken is said to have healthy fat, but that is when it is locally fed, without medications or enhanced feeds.

Want To Rewire Your Hormones To Balance Them? These Vegetables Are Amazing. Watch Video

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