White soup ingredient. Semo vs pounded yam White Soup and pregnancy

White Soup And Pregnancy, What TTC Women Should Know

Several times, we have seen women lose a pregnancy because they ate what they should not have eaten. If you desire to know something about white soup and pregnancy, you are in the right place.

Here , we will share the things we know about white soup and pregnancy and recommend what you should do.

We know that some persons love white soup so much. They could eat it often, yet the law of diminishing utility will not catch up with them fast.

If this is you, there are a few things you should know about white soup ingredients.

The health benefits of white soup are from the ingredients that are used in its preparation.

Also, these ingredients are the reason it could be good or bad for a woman trying to conceive.

We had listed few ingredients for preparing white soup in our earlier article. If you will love to see them, please, read: Real White Soup [Nsala] Ingredients, Spices | Health Benefits.

Often, we recommend that, for a woman trying to conceive, the best time to eat white soup is between one to three days after period flow.

Also, once you get a confirmation that you are pregnant, leave white soup out of your diet till you are in your 3rd trimester.

If you must eat it, we recommend that you prepare it yourself and make sure that you do not add any of the ingredients bellow.

if you must add them, make them very insignificant. But to stay on  a safe side, please, leave them out.

When it comes to conception, we have found that most foods that could aid conception could also force miscarriage.

As a result, it is important that you know when to eat them and when to leave them out of your diet.

Uda – Negro Pepper

Basically, Uda is good for a woman who is trying to conceive, but it is not good for a woman who just took in.

If you eat a soup prepared with Uda a day or two after your menstrual flow, it will help cleans your reproductive system and prepare it for ovulation.

That is the approved window for the consumption of this spice. If you take it after ovulation, you will stand a chance of losing any pregnancy that was forming.

See Why Uda Could Induce Miscarriage

A study says Negro pepper (uda) is high in alkaloid which is known to decrease plasma concentrations of hormones that encourage fertility. Also it causes embryotoxicity (1) (2).

Also, Negro pepper contains saponin in high amount which is also thought to cause toxicity in the ovary and the uterus (3).

Alligator Pepper In White Soup And Pregnancy

Furthermore, some persons add alligator pepper to their white soup. This is another thing about white soup and pregnancy.

This pepper also have compounds – alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and saponins –  that make it a contraceptive.

Alkaloid and saponins could flush the tube and force a miscarriage of a forming pregnancy.

As a result, it could cause miscarriage.

Tetrapleura Tetraptera (Uyayak)

Uyayak, with the botanical name Tetrapleura Tetraptera, could also cleans a woman’s reproductive system.

Just like other spices, it has its own amount of alkaloids and saponin (4)

Once taking at a time pregnancy is forming, it will flush the forming foetus.

These are some of the reasons a woman could have a miscarriage at the beginning of her pregnancy.

It is important that before you eat white soup, be sure of the ingredients that are in it.

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