is it hard to have a baby boy

Why Is It Hard To Have A Baby Boy?

You may have seen a family with several girls, some times 3 or more, and you wonder if it is hard to have a baby boy.

Well, it could be difficult for a couple to have a baby boy if they are not intentional about it.

There is timing to everything that happens here on earth.

In most African countries, it matters if a family has a male child in the combination. When we talk about a male child, we mean a child with the XY chromosomes.

As a result, parents seek a boy most times wishing they would begin procreation with a male child.

Unfortunately, there is a lot involved in having a male child.

The truth is that you cannot achieve a lot in this world if you ignore the first thing that rules here – time.

Some persons are not intentional about what they do, when it comes to having sexual intercourse to make baby.

Often, the result of that lack of interest in knowing the right thing to do is a reduction in the chances of having a baby boy.

Why It May Be Hard To Have A Baby Boy

Basically, there are few things a couple should know if they want to have a baby boy.

These are few things science says about the XY chromosome and how to arrive at it as a couple.

First the man is the one that donates the semen that eventually becomes a boy or girl.

Really, the woman only brings in the necessary X chromosome to make up the XY that makes a male.

So, the man determines the sex of a baby. A man has the X and Y chromosomes while a woman has XX.

When the man contributes an X chromosome they make a baby girl.

So why is it hard for the man to contribute the Y chromosome to make a boy?

Well, from the above, you will find that it depends on the man to determine a lot about that.

The Determining Factor If You Want To Have A baby Boy

In an earlier study on X sperm (female) and Y sperm (male), Shettles found that fertilising an egg is a game of speed (1).

According to Shettles, the male sperm is said to be smaller.

As a result, it would swim faster than the female sperm. But on the other hand, it has a shorter life span than the female sperm.

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He is of the opinion that if a couple engages in sexual intercourse around the time of ovulation the male sperm would be more likely to reach the egg before the female sperm. That is; if other things are equal.

While he has his points, another study says this is not totally true.

The study says computer sperm analysis showed there were no morphological differences between human X sperm and Y sperm (2).

What You Should Know

While Shettles inputs may have been attacked by new findings, there are simple explanations.

A study highlights very unique things about the male sperm and the female sperm that further points to what Shettles said.

According to the study, statistically, the length, perimeter and area of the sperm heads, and the length of the sperm necks and tails of X-bearing spermatozoa were significantly larger and longer than those of Y-bearing spermatozoa (3).

Size Of Male And Female Sperms

Let us give an analysis that will help you figure out the truth about this matter.

Consider the fastest runner on earth running against the fattest person on earth or even a moderately fat person.

You will find the difference that could happen between a sperm with shorter head and length and one that is longer and bigger.

You see, the cervical mucus in a woman’s reproductive system that makes for proper movement of sperm will not aid one more than the other.

It gives both sperms the same field to run. The faster one gets to the egg first.

If the male sperm is released with an amazing motility rate, it is possible it gets to the egg first.

The Speed Or Motility

But here again lies another problem that men who hardly give the Y chromosome have.

You see, when a man ejaculates, the way a man is made is that the sperm is supposed to shoot far.

If a man withdraws from the vagina and leaves the penis to release the semen without inhibitions, he will notice this shooting speed.

Unfortunately, some men do not shoot far enough. The speed is added to the sperm by the maker (God) for a reason.

Therefore, it is important that a man ensures that the sperm goes fast to hit the egg and fertilise it.

The sperm that crawls, dies before it gets to the egg. It can take 5 days before the sperm dies, but it has to get to the egg in a strong state to fertilise it.

Here is the role of the fast shoot that happens at ejaculation.

If a man lacks this necessary shot, chances are that the male sperm will have a long journey to go and it may never make it.

Amount Of Sperm, Thickness And Concentration

On the other hand are these other factors that determine if the male sperm can make the journey.

On average, each time a man ejaculates he releases 2-6 milliliters (mL) of semen, or around a 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon.

Less than that amount may not contain enough sperm for a woman to get pregnant.

When it is more than that, it could dilute the concentration of sperm.

Also, your semen should be thick to start with and become thinner 10 to 15 minutes after ejaculation.

If it stays thick it will be more difficult for sperm to move towards the egg.

Most importantly, the sperm density is also necessary to note here. This talks about the number of sperm in millions per milliliter of semen.

A man should have about 15 million or more sperm per mL. This is considered normal (4).

What A Man Should Do To Have A Baby Boy

First, if a couple wants to have a baby boy, the man has to go for test to be sure of the above figures.

Once that s done, he can then focus on some things that would help ensure the health of his sperm.

Here are few things a man can do to boost the health of his sperm.

  • Engage in exercises that strengthen your pelvic floor and also boost testosterone.
  • Do not smoke or use illicit drugs, especially anabolic steroids.
  • Avoid contact with toxins such as pesticides and heavy metals. Watch the pot you cook with and how you grind your tomatoes and others.
  • Limit how much alcohol you drink.
  • Eat a healthy diet and keep your weight under control.
  • Keep your scrotum cool, because heat slows down the making of sperm. Avoid sitting on hot points or taking hot baths. wear boxers instead of briefs, and try not to wear tight pants.

These are just some things that a man who is wondering why it is hard to have a baby by should know.

Hopefully, if you apply these things and then try having sex in the early hours of the morning, using your morning erection, you will get result.

Kindly share this article with your friends, loved ones or any couple you know are trying to have a baby boy. 

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