yoga exercise and health benefits and how to begin yoga

Yoga: 4 Amazing Benefits You Get | You Need #4 So Much

When you hear yoga, what comes to mind?

We know that you will remember some slender ladies and few guys who you see in pictures, displaying some amazing poses.

Yoga is beyond that and everyone can benefit from it.

Unfortunately, when people hear yoga, the focus is often on the poses rather than the benefits of engaging in it.

If you want to engage in this form of workout, your age does not matter.

In fact, older people have been practicing yoga for years. Especially those who have not issues with weight.

What Really Is Yoga?

We will look at this form of exercise and why the number of persons engaging in it is increasing.

First, yoga is simple. It involves moving all parts of your body and making them get adequate flow of blood.

A study explains yoga as a combination of physical postures (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation (dhyana) (1).

It is a kind of mind and body exercise. This nature of yoga makes it offer so much benefits to everyone who practices it.

1.      Lowers Bad Cholesterol Level

Unfortunately, bad cholesterol in your body could cause heart issues.

Basically, this bad fat will sneak into your arteries and begin to clog it. This hampers flow of blow around the body.

However, a study says yoga significantly improves low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, with a mean decrease in total cholesterol (2).

Most importantly, this form of workout does not only lower bad cholesterol. It also increases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

This just emphasises the role of movements and relaxation in maintain a healthier life.

Another study supports this claim that yoga could reduce serum cholesterol and LDL levels (3).

2.      Lowers Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is one thing that causes chronic diseases – diabetes, cardiovascular disease and more.

However, studies have reports that practising yoga helps in lowering oxidative stress.

According to a study, a regular practice of yoga is known to attenuate oxidative stress and improve heart health by enhancing bioavailability of nitric oxide (4)

One way it does this is that it helps you get better sleep, and less artery-damaging inflammation (5).

3.      Yoga Is Amazing For Diabetics

Here again is another benefit of this form of workout. It talks about another effect of oxidative stress which could also trigger diabetes.

However, engaging in yoga would help lower blood sugar level.

A study found that yoga favorably effects diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity and decreasing plasma insulin levels (5).

4.      Yoga And Your Heart Health

Finally, this benefit is one that you share from.

It is one reason we will recommend that you engage in learning yoga for beginners.

Begin with practicing slow breathing and find interesting lesson videos online that can guide you.

Why are we asking you to start practicing yoga?

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. This alone shows how important the heart is in your body.

One way to care for the heart is to engage in holistic exercise – mind and body.

According to a study, yoga benefits your heart because it lowers systolic, diastolic blood pressure and heart rate (6).

One of the things that you do when you have a yoga session is breathing exercise.

A study says this breathing exercise also makes your heart perform better (7).

According to the study, performing this workout a few times per week, with each session lasting roughly 20 min, is effective in treating hypertension, reducing angina episodes per week, improving exercise capacity, and decreasing body weight and waist circumference.

How To Practice Slow Breathing

Basically, this form of breathing is called pranayama.

It is a component of yoga and a form of slow breathing.

Basically, it consists of a respiratory rate of roughly six breaths per minute.

It is one of the most practical and effective relaxation techniques.

Different studies in India and the United States show that pranayama, which takes 5 min to perform, immediately lowers resting blood pressure (8) (9).

Also, it permanently decreases resting blood pressure after several weeks of consistent practice.

Bottom Line

High intensity exercises, like running, push ups, skipping and weight lifting are not good for everyone.

For instance, if you are still within your ideal weight and need to improve your health markers, you should engage in this form of exercise.

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Once you have got your diet in place, this will help you stay fit and keep weight away. Above all it will give you a great heart health.

It is not a difficult exercise to practice, but the benefits are enormous.

Reach out to us if you need motivation and encouragement in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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