Fitfab Pregnancy Coaching Plan Service Description . Pregnancy Coaching

FitFab Pregnancy Coaching Plan

FitFab Pregnancy Coaching Plan Service Description

A big Congratulations to you and welcome to motherhood and our pregnancy coaching plan

What God has started for you He will complete gloriously; that your joy will be full and His name alone be praised.

Dear healthy mum that brings forth according to the time of life, it will only take some minutes to read through this document.

Pregnancy Journey

The pregnancy journey is an amazing one that is filled with many interesting moments and turns requiring high level of nutrition and lifestyle guidance which the hospital set up will not have the ample time or heart to engage in.

Most importantly, the need for a personalised guidance cannot be over-emphasised because nobody ever wishes for unpleasant surprises.

As mothers, we are grateful to God, whose business it is to give babies, that pregnancy casualties affecting the pregnancy, the pregnant mum, growing foetus and the mother and child at birth can be fully avoided.

The statistics of maternal health problems and complications is alarming hence the need to be willing to take advantage of quality personalised pregnancy coaching.

More importantly, within the hospital setting, the best person to guide the nutrition and wellness lifestyle of a pregnant woman is any of the following – Dietitian, Nutritionist or a Women’s health coach.

However, most hospitals, due to the high cost of having a resident professional nutrition and lifestyle expert, shy away from having them as part of their maternity team except in a critical situation where it becomes a matter of life and beyond.

A typical example of how to understand that regular doctors are not in the best place to give pregnant Mums Nutrition guidance is where they do not educate the woman on weight management and exact weight she is expected to gain during the pregnancy.

Also, they fall short of nutritional fact, recommending for some diabetic pregnant women foods that are not so appropriate – such as wheat swallow which actually aids weight gain.

Poor Pregnancy Nutrition And Wellness Lifestyle

Sadly, poor pregnancy nutrition and wellness lifestyle leave many women in a place where they keep battling elevated blood sugar, a big foetus, over-weight, pre-eclampsia/ eclampsia, poor mental health, being so easily irritated for no reason of which they can manage better if they are more aware of their hormones and how they affect them during pregnancy.

Where We Come In With Our Pregnancy Coaching Programme

Many women who have taken the privilege we offer them in our pregnancy health coaching programme have enjoyed great support, happiness during the pregnancy and after delivery with testimonies to show for it.

Our mission remains to guide you right from the days of preparing your body for a healthy conception all the way to safe and easy delivery whether natural birth or in a case you have to choose a C-section.

Our pregnancy coaching programme gives you the opportunity to be enlightened and well equipped in the following very vital areas in addition to areas you need customised support.

A: What will be covered during your coaching program include the following;

📍Bi-weekly guide and coaching

📍Pregnancy safe exercise and meditation plan

📍Check-ins and accountability

📍 Comprehensive overview of pregnancy foods and superfoods

📍 Pregnancy health food list and foods to avoid list

📍Pregnancy Nutrition Counseling

📍Sex in pregnancy

📍Sleep in pregnancy -( Chrono nutrition, energy audit)

📍Pregnancy Weight management

📍Pre-eclampsia, other risks and preventative measures.

📍Urine in protein during pregnancy

📍 Pregnancy-induced elevated blood sugar level and preventing/correcting pregnancy in diabetes

📍Small baby, Big baby; achieving safe and healthy weight baby.

📍Mental Health in pregnancy

📍 Spousal relationship in pregnancy and after welcoming your newborn

📍Breast feeding and effectively understanding baby’s needs and how to follow  baby’s timing for breastfeeding so as to maximise your  family life and work schedule during maternity. Chrononutrition for baby and mother.

📍Infections in pregnancy

📍Week by week accountability and wellness support

And so on.

Trimester by trimester based coaching guide.


✅ Preggie movie list ( free and  paid streamed like Netflix)

✅Preparing for Natural delivery| effective pain management tools to a aid easy delivery ( aka Hebrew women delivery)

Guarding against Vaginal infections after natural birth.

✅ When  C-section is elective or compulsory; pre-surgery nutritional tips for preparation, recovery and guarding against infections.

✅Post natal support up to first one  month after your delivery.

✅New moms Mental health concerns

✅Managing visitors, coping with social media, Hash tag management of  WhatsApp chats  during first week of pregnancy.

✅New Mum Stress management techniques and tools.

✅ Caring for your baby’s skin naturally

✅Connection tools for you, hubby and baby.

I know you will be wondering how much it will cost you to access these array of powerful pregnancy education and wellness tools,

Typically,  our pregnancy coaching service and support is valued at  #55,000  for the entire period of pregnancy.

However, if this coaching support is something you really want and can’t afford to miss out on the value it will deliver then you can be given the rare opportunity of accessing  it for only #25,000.

Please, note that this is only if you are able subscribe to the plan in the next 14 working days.

Really Want This NOW?

Then  go ahead to make the full payment or make a #5000 deposit now  to register your interest while you complete your payment within one month  so you can begin your pregnancy coaching experience in earnest.

Are you set to start your journey with us? We are and can’t wait!

Hurry now and take a spot.

On our pages you are free to watch

Mind blowing testimonies about our  coaching programs.

We will be very glad to be your closest buddy during these weeks of being a good house for your soon to come beautiful new born.

Announcing pregnancy confirmations is a delight however,  announcing baby delivery and even having the privilege of attending the naming ceremony is my utmost joy!

Endeavour to take action now and prevent the negative effects of delay while preventing ugly pregnancy ill-health experiences that occurs majorly due to ignorance and negligence.

You may use the payment mode  below:

FCMB: 8597301011

Name: So Healthy Nigeria

Ref: Fitfab Preggie Service Charge ( FPSC)

When done,  forward  your receipt to us so you can get started.

Superfoods And Wellness 

1.  Pregnancy health superfoods and wellness breakdown

The following is the breakdown of superfoods/self care  that we recommend that you pay attention to especially during your pregnancy wellness journey.

More about their benefits, uses and costs will be shared during your coaching program.

1.  Immune system and iron boosters/ nuts and seeds

2.  Sleep aids

3.  Natural Pregnancy skin set. anti-stretch mark moisturising butter, naturally formulated black soap. : one set

4.  Hair care set (optional but very important, due to hormonal issues in pregnancy women tend to lose hair especially the edges and also hair fall)

However, getting these products depends entirely on your budget.

If on a tight budget you  may let us know your total budget for superfoods and others  and we  will let you know the products it covers.


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