Have you ever given attention to how much exposure to the sun you get daily? Is there a relationship between vitamin D and fertility in both male and female? With the lockdown that the world …
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Have you ever given attention to how much exposure to the sun you get daily? Is there a relationship between vitamin D and fertility in both male and female? With the lockdown that the world …
Continue readingThere is something we found about goron tula and vagina wetness. Indeed, you can use goron tula to improve the wetness of your vagina all day round. What we are talking about is improving your …
Continue readingWomen can use bitter leaf for Infertility treatment, and this is because the leaf contains properties that correct this condition. Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) is a shrub that grows up to 3 meters high. It …
Continue readingIf you know any couple who wants to opt for a cryptic baby, kindly advise them to adopt a child instead. There is often a kind of devastation that follows a discovery that a child …
Continue readingToilet infection is somehow popular among ladies in Nigeria and beyond. For some, it starts from home while others get first infection in school. For instance, each time Anita gets a feeling to share a …
Continue readingAre you trying to conceive and looking for the best way to use affirmation as a tool to propel your desire? I have put together here, what worked for me. I will love that you …
Continue readingI am one person that fought hard for my facial skin to come to the state it is now. Body scrub is my secret. My face just produces oil naturally and I run away from …
Continue readingCucumber sauce is a delicacy that you will love when you eat your rice with it. The amazing thing about cucumber sauce is not its delicious taste, but its health benefits to you and your …
Continue readingI thank God for what He is doing in the lives of the members of our Fruitful Mums group. Here is a pregnancy announcement that a member shared with us. I will love that you …
Continue readingGoron tula is popular because of the number of health issues that it can address, including infection. Recently, people are exploring it for the treatment of infections in the vagina. This article looks at the …
Continue reading“Children do not drink coconut water!” This is one statement that is popular in some African communities. Often, people who peddle this statement claim that if affects a child’s brain and make them dull. In …
Continue readingAre you experiencing an endless dandruff issue? Are you tired of the itchy scalp and snow-like flakes that just won’t go away? You can end the whole trouble with natural remedies for dandruff. Although, dandruff …
Continue readingAs a mum, making that choice of baby food for your baby after 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding could be a difficult one. Some babies will not eat the regular baby food and that becomes …
Continue readingMenstruation is one thing that most women look at to say they are ovulating. But is it possible for menstruation to happen without ovulation? Studies say it is possible and there is a reason for …
Continue readingIf you want to know so much about the cryptic pregnancy in Nigeria, read this article to the end. What Is Cryptic Pregnancy? Cryptic pregnancy is the phenomenon whereby women do not become consciously aware of …
Continue readingRaising healthy kids in our time is gradually becoming a little difficult. Your child could come back from school and begin to make demands for some unhealthy drinks. It brings sadness to parents, because it compromises …
Continue readingHeart disease is one condition that parents should help their children ward off. Especially because it is like a thief of the night that comes when no one expects. Indeed, the issues of the heart …
Continue readingDear woman, if you are Trying To Conceive, there is a lot you will learn from my story. But it will be beneficial to you if you will do the needful. Women Trying To Conceive …
Continue readingDo you wonder if there is a relationship between your intake of salt and weight gain? There is so much about salt (sodium) that you really do not know. One of them is how it …
Continue readingPremature ejaculation (PE) often brings a disappointing moment for a man. It is one of the reasons a lady could feel unsatisfied with a man’s sexual performance. She could even begin to dislike making out …
Continue readingHave you heard about how people use Goron Tula for menstrual pain relief? If you have not, relax and read this article to the end. Indeed, one of the best ways to know how effective …
Continue readingDid you know that how you wash the food packs your child takes to school could affect your child? Mothers do their best to get the best of food packs for their kids. Their choices …
Continue readingGating shapely by taking some form of butt enlargement products may not be as safe as you think it is. Women who naturally do not have butt suddenly surfaces with enlarged butt that makes heads …
Continue readingThe cases of COVID-19 are increasing amidst plans for school resumption. Considering the new strain of the virus in Nigeria, it is important that parents give more attention to the safety of their children. According …
Continue readingSchool resumption is kicking in gradually and parents are beginning to make that hard decision of letting their children go back to school. It is over four months since students last attended physical classes in …
Continue readingI had gone to sleep with my window open and then it rained at night. The cold first made the sleep more enjoyable, but while I was fast asleep, it increased. When I woke up, …
Continue readingHave you been feeling different of late as a result of the lockdown? You are not alone. Unfortunately, coming down with some form of health challenges at a time like this is very possible. In …
Continue readingCoronavirus cases are increasing in Nigeria. It is not like we are wishing the nation or its people bad, but were are expecting more cases in coming days. Basically, in most countries where coronavirus has …
Continue readingYou must have seen or read several posts and messages on WhatsApp about garlic and virus. Do you really know the truth? Many nations are battling coronavirus (COVID19) and the number is increasing. While this …
Continue readingAt the end of 2019, Coronavirus, which was first referred to as 2019-nCoV, slipped in. Ever since then, the world has been battling it. First cases of Coronavirus were reported in Wuhan, a location in …
Continue readingThe weather has changed a lot, with the level of cold in the Harmattan more than what was envisaged. As a result, children and even adults are coming down with different illnesses, with cough and …
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