One of the very trees that you may not know Africa has is Baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L).
It is not a common tree or fruit, but its benefits are much, and enough to motivate you to know it.
The tree that could grow up to 98 feet is also found in Australia and Madagascar.
Baobab powder tastes a little close to citrus or African Velvet Tamarind.
Its health benefits are enormous and it is a multi-purpose tree.
Baobab offers medicinal benefits and also provides food, clothing and raw material for many useful items.
Also, Baobab has been used extensively since ancient times in traditional medicine.
The seeds, leaves, roots, flowers, fruits pulp and bark of the plant are all edible.
The leaves are amazing for soup preparation while the seeds could serve as soup thickener. It is also a great addition to seasoning to boost appetite where necessary.
Some persons also ferment or roast the seeds and eat them as snacks.
Because of its medicinal value, there are researches that focus on the health benefits of Baobab.
Compounds In Baobab
The tree is rich in different compounds that are beneficial to your health.
The fruit pulp contains very high amount of vitamin C which is 7 to 10 times more than what orange contains.
According to a study, while Baobab contains 280–300 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams, oranges contain 51 mg per 100 g (1).
The study says the major interest in Baobab products is as a result of its ascorbic acid and dietary fiber content.
Basically, the consumption of 40 grams of baobab pulp provides 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C in pregnant women.
Furthermore, a study evaluated the ascorbic acid content of Baobab fruit and found that it contains 337 mg/100 g.
Other compounds in Baobab are calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates, fibers, potassium, proteins and lipids.

Also, the super fruit contains phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, iron, manganese.
The lysine, thiamine, calcium and iron in Baobab are of very high levels.
Health Benefit Of Baobab
1. Boosts Immune System
The fruit contains high amount of vitamin C and this makes it a good source of this vital vitamin.
Vitamin C works as an antioxidant and helps boost your immune system and protect your body against antibodies (2).
Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various functions of your cell.
Also, the fruit contains zinc and this mineral helps boost your immune system against different diseases and infections (3).
2. Lower Blood Sugar Level
Adding Baobab to your diet will help lower blood sugar level and this makes it a good supplement for diabetics.
Baobab fruit pulp contains Polyphenols which are beneficial for their effects on reducing the glycemic response and for improving various other metabolic parameters.
A study found that when Baobab extract was baked into white bread the speed at which starch breakdown and sugar release from white bread into the blood was slowed down (4).
3. Baobab Could Aid Weight Loss
The fruit contains a reasonable amount of fibre that makes you feel full and have less appetite for food.
As a fibre-rich fruit, adding it to your diet helps you stay full and this reduces the amount of food you eat.
A study of some persons that added Baobab to their smoothies found that it reduced satiety in them (5).
So, if you want to eat less to control weight, add this fruit powder to your diet.
4. Serves As Remedy For Respiratory Infection
This fruit also serves as remedy for respiratory infection.
The fruits contains vitamin C and zinc which a study says could serve as remedy for treatment of respiratory infections (6).
According to the study, adequate intakes of vitamin C and zinc ameliorate symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory tract infections including the common cold.
“Furthermore, vitamin C and zinc reduce the incidence and improve the outcome of pneumonia.”
During rainy season it is a good thing to add this fruit to your diet.
5. Nutrients In Baobab Boost Fertility
Vitamin C and zinc are great nutrients that a woman trying to conceive needs.
First, your immune system needs to be strong and this is what this fruit provides.
Also, the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in Baobab help arrest antibodies that may have sneaked into your body and hindered conceptions (7).
Taking between 20 to 40 grams of this fruit powder would go a long way to prepare a woman’s body for conception. Note that 40 grams provides you you daily need of vitamin C.
It will also help fight infections that may be hindering conception.
6. Could Relief Diarrhea
Baobab serves as a good supplement that beings relief for diarrhea.
Basically, its effect against diarrhea is as a result of the flavonoids, phytosterols, antimicrobial and antiviral compounds in the fruit (8).
If you are stooling take few quantity of this fruit powder and you will get relief.
7. Contains Anti-malaria Properties
Also, a study found that Baobab contains anti-malaria properties that help in the treatment of malaria when adequately taken (9)
Where To Get Baobab
Basically, one of the things we are devoted to doing is finding reliable information about plants and their produce and how they are beneficial to you.

Aside from this, we go further to get these plants, fruits and grains and offer them at affordable rates.
Baobab fruit powder is one of the super fruits we offer to our followers and readers.
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If you would love to get it, kindly reach out to us.
Also, you can source for it from other vendors. Our desire is that you add these super foods and fruits to your diet as often as possible.
How To Use Baobab
Adding Baobab to your diet is easy.
You can add it to your smoothies or your baked foods.
You can also add the powder to water, stir it properly and drink as juice.
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