age and illness

Main Reason People Develop Different Illnesses As They Age

As people age, one of the things that take them by surprise is how their health deteriorates. Simple things like flu that comes with change in season becomes even more unbearable.

Many wonder why it gets to a level that their body is unable to bear the things it could easily recover from at their younger age.

The answer you seek is in three things that we will elaborate here.

1. Lack Of Knowledge Hampers Amazing Health

“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” Most people have heard this saying, at one point or the other in their lives.

Not many people research to know what is good for them, in terms of nutrition and lifestyle, at every stage of their life.

The truth is that the foods you ate as a teen should not be the food you will eat as an adult.

Remember, your movement level reduces as you age. basically, this could be due to the kind of job you now do or other issues.

Therefore, as movement or physical activity level reduces, your diet should change.

Indeed, different studies have identified the role that a sedentary lifestyle plays in an individual’s health.

According to Hopkins Medicine, a  large review of studies published in 2015 in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that even after adjusting for physical activity, sitting for long periods was associated with worse health outcomes including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and cancer (1).

Also, sedentary behaviour can increase your risk of dying, either from heart disease or other medical problems.

Sadly, not many persons are aware of this situation. As a result, they fall ill and experience different kinds of diseases.

However, if a person takes out time to seek information and then do what it takes to stay healthy, the result is often an amazing health.

Yet again, there are those who are aware of what to do, but fall in the category of this second reasons people come down with diseases.

Unfortunately, not all doctors will give you the right information that will keep you away from the hospital. A healthy person only needs to visit the hospital for medical checkup.

Always remember that if you stay away from the hospital, revenue will drop.

2. Lack Of Willingness To Implement Knowledge

Indeed, some persons have the right information about what to do, but they are stuck with their traditional way of eating that their parents handed down to them.

They forget that quite a lot has changed between the time their parents were young adults and now.

There is an increase in exposure to toxins and there is also a demand from work. On another level, mobile devices are taking a toll on your mind and how much rest (adequate sleep) you get.

One of the things to do is implement the knowledge that you have received.

Eat healthy, engage in high intensity exercise for as much as 150 minutes per week and then get adequate sleep.

When choosing your food, chose foods that are high in nutrients and then lower the intake of carbohydrate if youa re not so active.

3. The Commercialised Nature Of Things

Finally, here is just another reason people fall ill. Manufacturers of food items and junks take advantage of the desire to satisfy cravings and offer you unhealthy items that are highly processed.

This level of commercialisation results in you buying the things that do not promote good health. Sadly, you may even prefer them to the ones that are very nutritious  which are not often promoted.

Have you ever found advert of cabbage on screen?

Have You Read Why People Age? 

What you see often has a way of affecting your decision. Indeed, it will keep you eating the unhealthy foods that deteriorate your health.

There are so many things wrong with processed foods that you may not know.

From excessive sugar or salt to other chemicals that are added as preservatives, colouring or binder.

As you age, it is better to focus on living foods – plant-based foods and grains.

These foods give your body the nutrients it needs to stay strong.

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