Castor Seeds For Family Planning 100g


How To Use Castor Seeds

There are about 178 seeds in this pack of 100 grams.

Also, there are no general recommendation on how to use castor seeds as contraceptive.

However, WebMD reported that “there is some evidence that a single dose of castor seeds with the outer coat removed (hulled) can work as a contraceptive for up to 8-12 months”.

To use castor seeds, they must be hulled, as the shell is said to be poisonous.

Also, a study indicated that the seeds contain ricin, one of the most toxic substances known.

Dose-Related Toxicity (Poisoning)

The seed may cause an acute and potentially fatal gastroenteritis. Delayed visceral damage is another serious complication; however, but this is quite rare.

Also, this toxicity may cause diarrhea, and we have received comment about this side effect.

The toxicity is dose related and depends on the amount of castor beans ingested or swallowed.


Here are castor seeds for family planning that we offer to our customers.

Reducing the chances of getting pregnant after childbirth is something that most women find difficult to do.

As a result, some persons have had near-twin babies.

In search of a remedy to this issue, we found that castor seeds could help for family planning.

A 1999 study showed that castor seeds could help women control child birth.

hulled castor seeds
Hulled Castor Seeds

The findings showed positive result after an evaluation of the seeds’ extract on rabbits.

Find out more about the Effectiveness Of Castor Seeds For Birth Control

According to the report, focus was on the anti-implantation and antiovulation effects of castor bean extract (CBE) and ricin A-chain (RAC).

“Both CBE and RAC, administered intraperitoneally on days 5-9 of pregnancy, exhibited a pronounced decrease in maternal body weight gain and in death of all fetuses.”


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