squishy banana and overripe banana

Squishy Banana: Is It Safe To Eat? 9 Things To Know

A Squishy banana, which you can also call an overripe banana, could be so unwelcoming that you may want to trash them.

Sometimes you fear that it could have bacteria.

Unfortunately, when a food item begins to get bad, chances are that bacteria could breed in it.

But is that so with a squishy banana?

The safety of a food depends on how it is handled.

In the popular ‘Ile Epo’, market in Lagos, Nigeria, some waste water flow into the area where fruits are sold and contaminate the fruits.

Imagine what will happen to a squishy banana from that market, being that the body could have slight broken.

But if proper handling is utmost during the movement of an overripe banana, the fruit is safe.

We know that this kind of banana is often sweet and delicious.

As a result, there are some great things about an overripe banana that makes it a great fruit to add to your diet.

Interestingly, they also provide a variety of health benefits which we will list here.

1.     Overripe Banana Is High In Antioxidants

One of the main benefits of a squishy banana is that they are high in antioxidants.

Antioxidants help to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. These free radicals can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer, inflammatory disease,  cataract and heart disease (1).

Just eat them and you will get the antioxidants that are in them.

2.      Good Source Of Vitamin C

Squishy bananas are also good sources of vitamin C, which also works as an antioxidant.

This vitamin helps to boost your immune system and promote healthy skin (2).

A great immune system keeps diseases away.

3.     Squishy Banana Is High In Potassium

Another benefit of squishy banana is that it is high in potassium.

Potassium is an essential mineral that helps to regulate blood pressure and support heart health.

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If you often experience muscles cramps and spasms, it is okay to add this banana to your diet.

This mineral in overripe banana makes it a great choice for athletes and active individuals.

4.     Good Source Of Dietary Fibre

Squishy bananas are also a good source of dietary fiber.

As much as it looks too soft, that does not take away the fact that it has fibre.

Studies say fiber helps to promote regular bowel movements and prevent constipation (3).

5.    Lowering Of Cholesterol Level

Furthermore, the fibre in squishy banana is really amazing in lowering cholesterol levels.

It is great for persons who are having arteries clog, as a result of high bad cholesterol in their body.

Unfortunately, high cholesterol has been linked to heart issues (4).

Eating overripe banana could help ensure that the trans fat in your diet does not sneak into your arteries and clog them.

6.     Improves Your Heart Health

Interestingly, overripe banana reduces the risk of heart disease and that is because it lowers bad cholesterol.

Anything that would be of great benefit to your heart should be in your diet.

The heart is the engine room of your body. The healthier your heart is the better you are able to meet your daily targets.

Reducing the amount of fat that sneaks to your blood vessel is one way to ensure that there is a free flow of blood through your arteries.

A study says the more fibre you add to your diet, the less your risk of developing heart disease (5).

7.      Boost Fertility In Both Male And Female

A couple who need to boost sperm and egg quality should look to ripe banana.

Generally, banana contains vitamin B6 (a water soluble vitamin), which regulates the body’s hormones and menstrual cycle.

A study says this vitamin improves a woman’s fertility (6).

In fact, when you have B6 deficiency it could lead to poor egg and sperm development.

8.     Great For Weight Loss

Additionally, a squishy banana is also a great choice for those who are trying to lose weight.

It is low in calories and high in nutrients. This makes it a healthy and satisfying snack.

Also, it is a good source of natural sugars, which can help to curb cravings for processed foods and sweet treats (6).

When you eat this kind of banana it helps you stay full for long.

9.    You Can Use As Sweetener

If you are someone who is looking to swap unhealthy baking components with healthy ones, it is okay to look in the direction of overripe banana.

It is good for smoothies and shakes.

Squishy bananas are very versatile and can be used in a variety of ways.

It could be mashed and added to oatmeal and pancakes. You can slice it and add it to sandwiches and salads.

They can also be frozen and used as a healthy ice cream alternative.

Something To Consider

While it is healthy to eat this kind of banana, how it is handled also plays a role in how healthy it stays.

Reason is that it can easily get contaminated.

Note, however, this kind of banana may not be safe for diabetics. This is simply because it is sugary and could raise blood sugar level.

Overall, squishy bananas are a great addition to any healthy diet.

They are high in antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber and are a great choice for weight loss, heart health and overall well-being.


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