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Why This Infertility Rate Should Concern Every Female

The world has come to that point that people should give attention to the increasing infertility rate. Although technology is making things even easier for people in developed countries, those in developing countries could have a long fertility journey to walk.

For instance, the World Health Organization (WHO) says one-in-four couples in developing countries is affected by infertility.

Also, it says approximately one in six people have experienced infertility at some stage in their lives, globally (1). 


Indeed, infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system. Often, it is defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse (2).

Now, we know that it is not only females who face this challenge.

According to studies, a male could contribute as much as 30% upon sharing the reason a couple has not been able to achieve pregnancy.

Another 30% could be the woman’s share while 30-40% could come from both or unknown reasons.

There are many factors that contribute to infertility which are root causes that a couple should concern themselves with.

If they will commit to finding out their status against these factors, they will be on their way to carrying their babies.

Why Infertility Rate Should Concern Females

That said, females should do their best to ensure that they prepare their body for conception.

It is important because the female’s body is strategically designed to be the holder of the baby. Of a truth, a baby coming into this world for exploit cannot come from a body that is not ready.

The process of fertilisation is one that basically explains how delicate a baby is and why the foetus must stay in a clean body.

Unfortunately, another concern is that a woman has a limited amount of time to nurture a baby in her womb.

As the time goes by, the amount of eggs she has in her body reduces and fades away with her menstruation. While that happens, the eggs remaining ages further. The speed depends on the lifestyle of the female.

Early Puberty And Declining Menopause Clock

Basically, a series of issues are coming together to lower the female’s chances.

From early puberty – 8 years (early to bed, early to rise), to the unusual onset of menopause before 40 years.

The female’s time of giving birth is reducing. What is the cause, many have asked.

Well, there is a lot about early puberty and you should care to know to stay informed.

Why Early Puberty Happens And Issues It Posses

As menopause begins, there are many odds that could follow. The man could decide to try with another woman. This has landed many homes in unimaginable rancour.

Do You Want To Ever Give Birth?

Recently and unconventionally too, you could tell that, somehow, you know a couple who has not given birth after many years of being married. This could be a major confirmation of the rising infertility rate.

Some women in those marriages are closer to menopause.

These situations are prompting this kind of write-up.

Any male or female who will ever want to have babies of their own should consider what is here and do what they have to do to stay fertile for a longer period of time.

So many will say the thing about childbirth is that it is as God pleases.

Well, we know God to be a Just God who often leaves the individual to make their choices when it comes to their health and even spiritual matters.

As a result, every individual has a role to play for babies to be made.

Indeed, the woman’s body must be ready to host the precious baby, while the man’s sperm must shoot far and be strong enough to hit the egg and fertilise it.

Where these two factors are lacking, there is, indeed, a long fertility journey to take.

Infertility: Couple’s Best Option

Lifestyle Modification And Natural Remedies

However, while a couple works and waits for conception to happen, there are a couple of things to explore.

For instance, one great thing they could do is to understand ovulation, diligently boost the husband’s sperm, cleans the female’s body of infections, hormonal imbalance, excess weight, and other variables that could hinder conception.

With this, they prepare their body for the fertilisation and nurturing to term.

The woman has a major role to play when it comes to lifestyle modification to boost fertility.

Interestingly, in Africa, the woman is the gatekeeper of the family’s nutrition, being that she goes to the market more often and prepares the food most times.

She is able to make the right choices, following a fertility-boosting plan.

However, sometimes, a couple needs the help of a fertility coach to walk the fertility journey with them. They will guide them on the right foods to aid to their diet while the eliminate those that impair their fertility.

A fertility coach will help them understand the role superfoods and other blessings of nature play in returning their body to an amazing shape that aids conception.


A coupe could explore IVF as a way to resolve infertility.  This offers an opportunity although, it is essential that a couple prepare their body for conception before they explore IVF.

Most importantly, a lifestyle modification is also necessary here if the woman would have the egg implant.


Apart from walking the road of lifestyle modifications, adoption is another thing a couple could consider.

Adopting a baby could help a couple relax the tension that infertility could raise. This tension could become a source of stress that results in hormonal imbalance (3). Unfortunately, this situation further makes it more difficult for conception to happen.


In nations where women are able to harvest their eggs when they are younger and preserve it till they are ready to give birth, they are able to exploit surrogacy from a different perspective.

But females in developing countries who lack the finance and health care foundation to preserve their eggs can explore surrogacy.

A surrogate mother would have her egg fertilised with the male’s sperm or donor-sperm and carry baby to term.

Sadly, this also has its flaws. However, it is one of the options available to women in developing countries who can afford it.

In all, a combination of option one and two or one and three could help a couple on a fertility journey.

Lifestyle modification is one of the shortest way to improving fertility markers and lower infertility rate.

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