how to enjoy holiday with kids and stay productive

How To Enjoy Holiday With Kids And Stay Productive

If you will take your time to read what I am about to share here, it will help you enjoy holiday periods with kids.

In fact, it will help you stay productive while also having fun with the kids.

Holiday seasons turn us to so many things. On one hand, a judge and on the other a playmate who must come to play whether you are ready or not.

The talking hours through the day could weary a mother who fails to make necessary adjustments to match the demand the time brings.

How To Enjoy Holiday With Kids

Here are some things to do to stay productive while you also enjoy holiday with kids.

1.     Be Thankful For The Holiday

Really, this is something most parents don’t do. In fact, before the holiday begins, they are already creating feelings of anxiety and fear.

This feeling takes a toll on their mind, triggering the subconscious to work. Unfortunately, this creates an atmosphere that is in line with the feeling and fear they have. You must never undermine the power of the mind.

On the flip side, being happy that holiday is coming changes the entire thing.

First, begin by thinking of how much bonding will happen during this holiday with kids.

It is a period that offers you the opportunity to know your kids better.

Furthermore, it will help you ‘bind’ any not-so-good behaviour that tries to show up in them in a loving way.

Being happy about the holiday helps you create the right feelings and atmosphere.  Also. it helps you mange the situations that may arise.

2.     Draw A Time Table Or Daily Schedule

Not having a plan means anything goes. But when you create a daily schedule of activities, and share this schedule with them, they are often ready to explore it.

Let the schedule capture from wake to sleep time and slot in some fun things like fashion parades or occupation role play, depending on what your child loves.

This schedule will help them know when it is time to play, watch TV, read, or even do house chores if they are old enough.

If you need to get them a new toy that will take their attention for a while, please do. If you need to get them a new reading desk to make them want to read, please do.

Factor in your work hours and during those times and ensure that they have something that is engaging them at those periods.

If you fail to do that, you will become a judge at a period you are supposed to be productive. They will call for play when you are on a phone with a client.

Remember to announce it as often as possible that mum is working and so all limits must be maintained including phone and computer usage.

3.     Quench Every Shouting Spirit

Indeed, the times will come when you just have it to a choking point.

But if you have decided ahead not to shout, it will help you always remember that you need to calm down each time an opportunity to shout comes.

Really, shouting comes with negative results to your blood pressure.

You see, shouting is a sign of anger and studies show that this could have effect on your blood pressure (1).

Learning not to shout is a good venture.

All you do is see everything they do as what kids could naturally do. Remember that they are not adults and they will never think or act like adults no matter how much you try to force it.

Although, there is an exception. Only shout when it is to raise alarm for safety.

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As, tough as the decision not to shout can be, it will help both you and the children mentally.

4. Build An Exercise Routine For Them

Being at home during the holiday with kids offers you an opportunity to make your kids form a habit around exercising.

Have a schedule in the morning that makes everyone of them engage in exercise time.

This will help you bond and have fun. It will also help you and the kids stay healthy.

5.     Engage Them In Periods You Prepare Meals

You see, children love it when you invite them to the kitchen. For those that are old enough (5 and above), you can request that they pick the vegetables for you.

They can help you with cleaning the kitchen floor when there is water on the floor.

This little tasks will keep them engaged while you also monitor how they handle tasks.

6.     Make Snacks Available During Holiday

The holiday period is not a time to switch to unhealthy feeding habits.

Add to your children’s meals healthy snacks like apples, pineapple, cashew nuts. These little treats each week, make the holiday a memorable one for the kids.

7.     Keep The Immune System Boosted

Basically, your kids need to stay healthy through the holiday. One way to achieve this is to intentionally give them foods that will boost their immune system.

Ensure that you have some immune boosters such as lemons, lime, ginger, pineapple peel tea , orange and more.

These fruits will help keep their immune system strong enough to fight infections.

8.     Engage Them In Role Play During Holiday

This one works for me.

Each time they begin to get pumped up to scatter our home, I talk them into playing roles.

Sometimes, I ask them to act like models. I ask them to act like artistes, or even request that they mimic a classmate.

These will keep them engaged while you also bond with them.

We had a fashion show, wearing same clothes  they had on, with accessories added.

They felt like they were on one Italian fashion runway.

On another day, make them engage in business role play.

For instance, you can have them play a super store attendant and then you buy items (pencil, books, etc) that they have from their shop.

This offers you an opportunity to teach them basic things like boldness, customer service, money identification and marketing.

These are necessary skills in this age and time.

9.     Remember To Make Out Time To Rest

Most importantly, factoring in break periods makes the holiday an interesting one for everyone.

You may call it water break when everyone goes for a drink.

This will help you stay hydrated and build a habit of always drinking water.

These are just some of the many things you could do during holiday with kids to keep them engaged while you stay productive.

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