pimples. acne and how to know the cause and permanent treatment

Pimples [Acne]: How To Know The Cause | Permanent Treatment

You could treat pimples [acne] for years, but you will not be aware you focusing on the wrong direction.

In fact, you may try different products and not get result. Some persons have bleached their faces all in efforts to end their pimples episode.

Each time you do that and don’t get result, it is simply because you are not channeling your energy to the right thing.

The appearance of pimples on your face could be as a result of something else that you need to take care of.

The things you see on your skin, most times, are signs of something that is not right in the inner part.

Unfortunately, you give attention to the outward part, ignoring the inner causes.

For instance, studies show that where acne appears on your body is a sign of something that you should treat.

Once you target the right cause, the pimple on the outer part will disappear with time.

To help you fight your pimples ballet better, we have put together, different areas of the body that pimples appear and what could be the cause.

We will also share few things you can do to get permanent result.

1.     Pimples On Forehead And Nose [T-zone]

Indeed, the T-zone is a major area you may find pimples on your face.

There are 2 major reasons you could have breakouts in this location – Stress and Oil.

First, it could be because of stress. A study of 160 male high school students in Singapore says stress could be a cause of pimples on the forehead.

According to the study, high stress does not often have an effect on oil production. However, it could make pimples more serious (1).

If you consume much fatty food, this is one location in your body that it could reflect.

If you notice that you are having so much pimples on your forehead and nose area, check your stress level.

For better result, get quality sleep and then reduce the amount of fatty foods you eat.

According to Dr. Gillian McKeith, you should consider cleansing your intestinal area.

Taking a tablespoon of psyllium husks daily in water few days could help.

2.     Pimples On Cheeks

If you consistently have breakouts on your cheek, you should check to be sure your pillowcase is clean and free of bacteria.

It could be as a result of exposure to E. coli.

Therefore, you could take some natural herbs and products that have antibacterial properties.

For instance, you could take echinacea liquid tincture (20 drops twice a day).

Also, you could take oil of evening primrose supplements.

Above all, change your pillowcase as often as possible to eliminate exposure to bacteria.

3.    Jaw Area

Furthermore, if you have pimples recurring in your jawline, it is a sign of hormonal imbalance (2).

Basically, it is sign that there is a disruption with your endocrine system.

Here, there is an excess of androgens. This results in the overstimulation of the oil glands.

When this happens, pores clogging follows, and then it results in pimples in the jawlines.

This is also the reason ladies find pimples in this location when they are menstruating.

Hormones really surge during a menstrual cycle.

It is also the reason women who use contraceptives find pimples in their jawlines. Contraceptives alter hormones.

If you are having consistent breakout on your jawlines, going for hormone profiling could be a good thing to do.

It will make sense to also adjust your diet, eating more of foods that make hormones balance.

You may consider taking dandelion teas, eating quinoa or taking foods that are rich in magnesium.

4.     Shoulder

Are you constantly having pimples around your shoulders, it could be a sign that your digestive system is performing poorly.

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All you need to do is take digestive enzyme supplements, take yoghurt or drink a tablespoon of aloe vera juice before meals.

These will help aid digestion and ensure proper absorption of nutrients from your food.

It is all about improving our gut health.

5.     Pimples In Mouth Area

It is not uncommon to find pimples form around your mouth area.

This could be a sign that your hormones are not balanced. Balancing your hormones will take this breakout away.

Consider taking agnus castus herb or Chaste tree tea. It will help regulate your hormones and give you result.

Having identified these locations and what they signify, it is okay to know that you can keep pimples away for life.

One thing to do is; increase your intake of fruits and vegetables and lower intake of fatty foods and junks with has fat hidden in them.

Feel free to chat with us for further information and hormonal balancing support.


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