Healthy Swallow Mix – 1Kg



Unripe Plantain

Red Rice

Brown Rice



These are blended grains in dry form and are ready for you to prepare according to the instruction on the pack.

The quantity of the grains have been added based on our daily need of nutrients.

Find the health Benefits of the grains here.


Swallow is one meal that Nigerians love so much, especially those in highly populated cities who work all day and crave for swallow meal at night. But having a healthy swallow is the best thing that could happen to a person who returns from work at night.

Some of us in Lagos State, will return late at night and still munch some balls of eba, semo, pounded or poundo yam few minutes before bedtime.

This late-night-swallow practice is unhealthy and one of the reasons we have so many men with pot belly.

But we wanted to bring a solution to people on this table, yet we needed to make sure that what we offer would be healthy.

Swallow Mix is packed with nutrients that everyone needs to keep the body in shape while enjoying swallow.

So Healthy Ng’s Low Carbohydrate Swallow Mix is a solution for people who love swallow and have to eat it at night.

Our Swallow is a combination of unripe plantain, red rice, sorghum, brown rice and millet.

It is a pack with different nutrients that each of these grains brings into the mix.

Unripe Plantain In Healthy Swallow Mix

Dry unripe plantain is rich sources of complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is is easily digestible and this means less concern for anyone who eats it after 7:00 pm.

Unripe Plantain
Unripe Plantain

Unripe plantain aids digestive health, as it is packed with fiber that promotes bowel regularity.

It helps in controlling weight, high in antioxidants and good for your heart.

Brown Rice

One basic issue with white rice is that it contains high Glycemic Index (GI).

This makes the sugar move faster into the bloodstream and it becomes a big nut for the system to crack at night.

Brown rice has a low GI.

According to Harvard School of Public Health, the average GI for brown rice is low at 55, whereas the GI for white rice is higher at 64.

Brown Rice
Brown Rice

“Observational studies have found an association between a high GI diet and greater risk for type 2 diabetes.”

Interestingly, it says the fiber in brown rice helps lower cholesterol and moves waste through the digestive tract.

Brown rice also promotes fullness and may help prevent the formation of blood clots.

Brown rice is a low “glycemic index” food.

Red Rice

This specie of rice may help reduce several risk factors for metabolic syndrome – high levels of cholesterol, blood pressure.

Red Rice
Red Rice

It can also lower blood sugar, as well as excess body weight.

Consuming only one serving of red rice can meet 23% of vitamin B6, the quantity required for the functioning of the organs in our body.

Additionally, red rice is loaded with effective anti-oxidants which are extremely therapeutic for the skin.

Sorghum As Healthy Swallow

This is one food that is good for people with gluten intolerance.

Sorghum has high nutritional value, with high levels of unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, and minerals like phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and iron.

Sorghum for swallow mix

This grain also has more antioxidants than blueberries and pomegranates.

Millet In Healthy Swallow Mix

This is a group of small-seeded grasses, which are cultivated throughout the world, for human consumption.

Research shows that millet can protect the heart, improve the digestive system and help in detoxifying the body.

Millet also improves respiratory health, boosts the immune system, increase energy levels, and improve the muscle and nerve health.

Have you read our research-based article on Lose Weight With 4 Simple Habits

This swallow mix is best for people who love swallow and want to have it as dinner, yet desirous of maintaining a healthy weight.

Please, share with friends and loved ones who can’t help but eat swallow at night

1 review for Healthy Swallow Mix – 1Kg

  1. Ndidi


    • Williams

      Thank you Ndidi

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