Molasses 250ml


Molasses (Blackstap Molasses) or black treacle is a viscous product. It is extracted from sugarcane through a refining sugarcane process to sugar.

This sweetener, which is also an alternative to sugar varies by amount of sugar, method of extraction, and age of plant.


Molasses (Blackstap Molasses) or black treacle is a viscous product. It is extracted from sugarcane through a refining sugarcane process to sugar.

This sweetener, which is also an alternative to sugar varies by amount of sugar, method of extraction, and age of plant.

Basically, sugarcane molasses is great for sweetening and food flavoring.

Its health benefits are huge.

One of the amazing things about it is that it works well for women who still see their period.

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We have found that using this before menstrual period reduces menstrual pains or cramps.

Some researches promote the use of molasses as a supplement to increase testosterone levels.

The sweetener is also great for diabetics in little quantity.

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