sagging breasts and ways to firm up your breasts

Sagging Breasts: 5 Ways To Firm Up Your Breasts

Sagging breasts could make a woman lose her confidence when she stands bare before a man. If you ever wished your breasts were not saggy, be relaxed because there are few things you can do to firm up your breasts.

For a woman who has given birth, sagging breasts may not be so much of a thing of concern.

But we know that every woman wants to look at her breasts in the mirror and fill fulfilled.

In fact, if you have had multiple deliveries, these remedies can firm up your breasts and make you feel more confident.

Causes Of sagging Breasts

The breasts are made up of fibrous and adipose tissues. These extends from the collarbone to the underarm, reaching across the centre of the chest (1).

Furthermore, the inner structure of the breast is made of an epithelial component that consists of lobules, where milk is made, which connect to ducts that lead out to the nipple.

Basically, the size and shape of women’s breasts vary considerably. This largely depends on gene and then a few other circumstances.

While a woman advances in age, the breasts lose elasticity and sag; a condition referred to as ptosis.

Going by this, a sagging breast is a natural consequence of ageing or the passage of time and then gravity.

“What goes up must come down.’ Funny, but it is true.

Every woman will surely, at some point in their lives, experience a gradual shift in the shape and elasticity of the breasts.

However, it is most disturbing when a young girl experiences sagging of breasts early.

This kind defiles the time-factor. In such situation, a lady can begin to look at other things that could cause ptosis.

  • Illnesses like breast cancer and tuberculosis. These weaken breast tissue and make the breasts sag.
  • Overexposure to the sun’s UV rays break down collagen and elastin.
  • Multiple pregnancies. The formation of breast milk makes the breasts heavier and the tissue support stretches and droop.
  • Larger, heavier breasts are more likely to sag over time.
  • Extreme weight loss.
  • Being above your ideal weight.
  • Smoking also causes skin to lose its flexibility and strength.
  • Menopause causes hormonal changes that affect skin elasticity.
  • Extreme, high-intensity strenuous exercise. This affects connective tissue, making them break down.
  • Touching or fondling with the breasts in a wrong way.

How To Firm Up Your Breasts

When the breasts sag, some women opt for plastic surgery to firm up the breasts. This is an expensive procedure.

Also, there is often the fear of not knowing how long that surgical procedure could hold.

As a result, you could have to incur more cost in form of insurance cover. Just in case things go wrong.

While that correction could help, you can also try these remedies and firm up your breast.

These are natural remedies and lifestyle changes that are helpful when it comes to giving a sagging breast a little lift or firmness.

1.     Exercise

Truly, exercise is like a double edge sword as far as the breasts are concerned.

While strenuous exercises could make your breasts sag, exercise can also firm it up.

Basically, for exercise to work, the area it targets matter.

Remember that the breast is not made up of muscles. You cannot firm up your breasts fibrous and adipose tissues  by exercising.

While that is true, there are fibrous connective tissue and muscles beneath the breasts that you can work on.

These components could be exercised to improve the overall appearance of your chest.

The commonly recommended chest exercises that can improve not only muscle strength, but posture are pushups, swimming, arm curls and bench press.

2.    Your Food Can Firm Up Your Breasts

Keeping the skin healthy and strong is the basic thing here. All you do is feed your body healthy diet.

A healthy diet helps you maintain a good weight. Remember that being above your ideal weight is one of the other causes of sagging breasts.

When the pressure mounts on your skin tissue, your breasts will get a share of that.

You should also add to a good diet, adequate consumption water each day. Water helps power up different organs in your body and your breasts get a share of that.

If you smoke and you are noticing that your breasts are sagging, quitting smoking is a way to begin and firm up your breasts.

You see, tobacco smoking has a negative and harmful effect on your health and your skin (1).

3.    Your Posture Matters A Lot

One of the very thing you notice with ladies with heavy breasts is that their back is bent.

Sadly, this posture is one reason their breast could head south faster than it should.

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When you bend your back, you make your breasts hang; and that puts more pressure on the breasts.

This posture often makes breast sagging possible.

However, a good posture is intentional.

You have to learn to remind yourself that you should keep your back straight and your shoulders back.

This posture helps the strength of the muscles holding the breasts.

Also, with this posture, your body weight is distributed evenly, ensuring that your breasts are not hanging on its weight.

4.      Don’t Fondle Wrongly

Although there is no research evidence that breast fondling could cause sagging, it could be a delicate thing to touch the breasts with so much force and pressure.

If strenuous exercises will have negative effect on the breasts tissues, hard and wrong fondling could have a negative effect.

For instance, when the breasts are consistently being pulled down during physical relations, the firmness of the breasts could begin to give way.

5.     A Properly Fitted Bra Can Firm Up Your Breasts

Finally, you need a bra that fits properly to firm up your breasts.

This will provide added support to the breasts and lower the chances of stress on your breasts.

Also, this has positive result on the supporting tissues and muscles below your breasts.

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