side effect of clove on vagina

Side Effect Of Cloves On Vagina

You want to know the side effect of cloves right? We will share what studies say about the side effect of this spice that is also amazing for treatment of different infections.

First, let us be clear you know what cloves are.

Cloves are a type of aromatic spice that come from the dried flower buds of the evergreen clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum).

They have a strong, sweet and pungent flavor.

Also, they are commonly used in cooking and baking, as well as in traditional medicine.

Cloves contain a number of active compounds, including eugenol (1). This compound accounts for at least 50%.

It is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

As a result, cloves have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, including toothache, coughs, infection and digestive issues.

Side Effect Of Cloves 

However, when it comes to treating infection, women are often looking out for it.

This is because studies say it contains compounds that can fight infection (2).

But people who want to use cloves for infection treatment often want to know how safe it is.

Indeed, it is not a bad thing to want to be sure there is no side effect of cloves that will follow its application in the vagina area.

Because of these worries, various acute and chronic toxicity studies of clove oil have been conducted.

At the end of an animal study, researchers concluded that there was no adverse effects of cloves (5).

In short, it says “the clove preparations regardless in the form of an extract or just its essential oil are free from toxicity”. That is not all.

There are few things to observe about the use of cloves water for vagina dryness or infection treatment.

First, if you have injury in your vagina, it will give you a hurting effect. But if there is no injury, there will not be any significant pain.

Also, a study makes a very important finding for waiting partners looking to conceive.

It says treatment with lower dose (15 mg) of clove increased the motility of sperm and stimulated the secretory activities of epididymis and seminal vesicle. So, it is good for both male and female.

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This explains the ability of this spice to make a woman have amazing cervical mucus.

Need For Caution

However, higher doses (30 and 60 mg) had adverse effects on the sperm (6). This is for a woman who wants to wash her vagina with cloves water.

This means that when you use cloves excessively because you want quick result, it could give adverse result.

Remember that too much of everything is bad and stay within the range.

We will love to hear from you if you have used cloves water before.

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