7 things you do on Sunday that affects your health negatively

7 Things You Do On Sunday That Affect Your Health Negatively

Do you know that there are things you do every Sunday that affect your health negatively for the rest of the week?

Unfortunately, you may not consider it. Truth is, most people don’t. In fact, it never crosses their mind that these are unhealthy habits.

One Sunday morning, an experience I had changed the way I think about Sunday.

It was 7:00am that fateful day. The tintinnabulation of the morning bell from the Anglican church close to us could make you run to catch a front seat.

Interestingly, it was one of those special services when everyone would have to kill few more hours in the day to stay to the end of the service.

Interestingly, this communion service is often an amazing experience.

On that day, hours to the end of the service, a young man, who was in his late 30s, fainted.

Thank God a doctor was in church. The ministration, quickly shifted to him and when he regained consciousness, few questions that the doctor asked him made unimaginable sense.

Question: Have you eaten today?

Answer: No.

Question: Have you had water today?

Answer: No.

Question: Did you take fruits?

Answer: No.

The doctor shook his head and made few explanations in the short health-talk-session.

Water Of Life

Before the talks, the doctor requested that we should get a bottle of water for the young man.

That particular bottle did not come out of his mouth until it was empty.

Sadly, this young man is not alone in this unhealthy Sunday habit of rushing out to be in church early, missing breakfast.

Know Why You Should Always Eat Breakfast: Choice Of Meal And Consequences Of Skipping It

Above all, majority of the persons who go to church on Sunday do not see the need to take a bottle of water along.

Did you know that you would be in church for over 3 hours of the day without water? Do you know what this means to your organs? DEHYDRATION (1).

We have captured in a video, 7 things that you do on Sunday that really affect your health negatively.

You should begin to unlearn them and then acquire new habits to replace. On of them is about your Sunday meal.


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