Care For Undies: 7 Good Ways To Take Handle Your Pants

Care For Undies: 9 Good Ways To Handle Your Panties

The woman who esteems care for undies will surely save herself from every form of trouble that could creep in like infection.

Treating infection is a road you don’t want to walk. Sadly, when infection comes it takes resources that are beyond your imagination, including those that could result in irredeemable situations.

For instance, when you contract an infection because of poor care for your undies, you could have issues with conception.

But making hay while the sun shines helps save the troubles that could come from poor care for undies.

Unfortunately, the fact that you wash your undies does not mean that you are taking good care of it.

What you wash with could also become an issue.

Here are 9 ways to care for your undies to avoid getting infection.

1.     Do Not Soak With Bleach

We will begin with this, because we know that many people want that sparkling white undies to stay that way.

As a result, they add bleach. No! Don’t do that!

It is generally not recommended to add bleach to underwear or any clothing that is worn close to the skin.

Bleach can cause irritation or even chemical burns if it comes into direct contact with the skin.

Also, it can damage certain fabrics, especially those that are made of natural fibers like cotton, and can cause the fabric to weaken and deteriorate over time.

If you need to clean your underwear, it is usually best to use a gentle detergent or natural soaps specifically formulated for delicate fabrics.

If you need to remove stains or odours from your underwear, there are also natural alternatives to bleach that can be effective.

Use white vinegar or baking soda to wash your undies and bring them back to their white state.

1.     Read The Care Label

You see, one habit you must not bring to the duty of caring for your undies is; ‘not reading labels’.

Truly, the care label on your underwear will give you specific instructions on how to wash and care for your underwear.

However, it is always a good idea to follow the care instructions on your underwear’s label and consult with a professional cleaner or a laundry expert if you have any concerns.

2.     Wash Separately

Wash your underwear separately from your other clothing items.

This will prevent your underwear from getting tangled up with other clothes or picking up any dyes or chemicals that may be present in other garments.

3.     Hand Wash Or Use Delicate Cycle

If possible, hand wash your underwear or use the delicate cycle on your washing machine.

This will help prevent any damage to the delicate fabric and keep it looking new for longer.

4.     Use A Mild Detergent

Use a mild detergent when washing your underwear.

Harsh detergents can damage the fabric and cause it to wear out faster.

Also, detergent not properly rinsed off from from your undies could cause infection when you sweat and it finds its way into your vagina. It will raise the level of PH in the vagina and trigger infection (1).

5.     Avoid Fabric Softeners

Avoid using fabric softeners or dryer sheets when washing your underwear.

They can leave a residue on the fabric and cause irritation.

6.     Air Dry

Hang your underwear to dry instead of using a dryer. The heat from the dryer can damage the elastic and cause the fabric to shrink.

7.     Sun Your Undies To Air Dry

Also, sun-drying your undies is another good practice.

However, sun-drying your underwear may not be feasible or practical for everyone, especially those living in areas with limited sunlight or those with time constraints.

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Additionally, it is important to ensure that your underwear is fully dry before wearing it to prevent the growth of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

8.     You May Also Iron Them

You may also iron your undies to help them stay safe from bacteria.

However, ensure that you place a cotton over the undies before you iron them.

9.     Store Properly

Store your underwear in a clean, dry place.

Avoid storing them in damp areas, such as the bathroom, as this can promote the growth of bacteria and mold.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your underwear stays clean, comfortable, and in good condition for longer.


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