Nails Crack

Why Does My Nails Crack | How To Stop Nails From Cracking

You suddenly realise that your nails crack and you are wondering what the issue could be.

Well, you are not the only one having the issue.

Basically, there are different reasons you could have cracked nails.

Causes Of Nails Crack

There are a few things that could cause nails crack. Here are some you should know.

1.  Dryness

Lack of moisture can make your nails brittle and prone to cracking.

Frequent exposure to water, harsh chemicals, or excessive hand washing can strip the nails of their natural oils, leading to dryness and cracking.

2.  Trauma

Physical trauma to the nails, such as excessive force, impact, or repetitive injury, can cause them to crack.

This can happen from activities like using your nails as tools, biting your nails, or even through repetitive activities like typing.

3.  Nutritional Deficiencies

When you lack certain nutrients, such as biotin, iron, zinc, or vitamins A and C, your nails could weaken and that makes them more susceptible to cracking.

4.  Fungal Infections

Fungal infections, such as onychomycosis, can affect the health and integrity of the nails.

Cracking, along with discoloration, thickening, and crumbling of the nails, can be signs of a fungal infection.

5.  Underlying Health Conditions

Certain medical conditions can cause nail problems.

Examples include thyroid disorders, psoriasis, eczema, anemia, and conditions affecting the liver or kidneys (1).

These conditions can affect nail health and make them more prone to cracking.

6.  Environmental Factors

Exposure to extreme temperatures, including excessive cold or dry conditions, can cause nails to become brittle and crack.

7.  Chemical Exposure

Frequent exposure to harsh chemicals, such as cleaning products, nail polish remover, or solvents, can weaken the nails and lead to cracking.

If you are facing this issue, which is a common problem, there are several steps you can take to help prevent and reduce the occurrence of cracked nails.

Here are some tips to keep your nails healthy and strong:

1.  Keep Nails Properly Moisturised

Apply a moisturising nail and cuticle oil or a nourishing hand cream regularly to keep your nails hydrated.

Dry nails are more prone to cracking, so keeping them moisturized can help prevent this.

2.  Avoid Excessive Exposure To Water

Prolonged exposure to water, such as frequent handwashing or soaking your nails, can weaken them.

Whenever you engage in activities that involve water, like washing dishes or cleaning, try to wear gloves to protect your nails.

3.  Adopt Gentle Nail Care Practices

Be gentle with your nails and avoid using them as tools for tasks like opening cans or prying objects.

Additionally, when filing your nails, use a gentle file and file in one direction to prevent splitting and cracking.

4.  Maintain A Balanced Diet

Eating a nutritious diet that includes foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein can contribute to the overall health of your nails.

Foods like lean meats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts are beneficial for nail health.

5.  Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Exposure to harsh chemicals, such as cleaning products or acetone-based nail polish removers, can weaken and dry out your nails.

Whenever possible, try to use gentler alternatives or wear gloves to protect your nails when using such substances.

6.  Don’t Bite Your Nails

Nail-biting can weaken the nail structure and make them more prone to cracking.

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If you have a habit of biting your nails, consider using products designed to deter nail-biting or find alternative coping mechanisms.

7.  Maintain Proper Nail Hygiene

Keep your nails clean and trimmed to prevent dirt and bacteria buildup, which can weaken the nails.

Regularly remove any nail polish and give your nails some time to breathe between manicures.

8.  Protect Your Nails

If you engage in activities that may expose your nails to potential damage, such as gardening or DIY projects, consider wearing protective gloves to minimise the risk of cracking and breaking.

9.  Consider Supplements

Consult with a healthcare professional to determine if supplements like biotin, vitamin E, or omega-3 fatty acids could be beneficial for your nail health.

These supplements may help strengthen your nails from within.

If you continue to experience persistent issues with cracked nails despite following these tips, it’s advisable to consult a dermatologist or a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.

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