things you should know about fibroid and fertility

Fibroid Surgery: Why Fibroid Grows Again After Sugery

Few years after I had a fibroid surgery to remove the tumour, I am going back to walk the same road.

I have read claims that the tumour grows again after fibroid surgery and now, this is happening to me.

Going for a fibroid surgery is like killing the rats in a house without plugging the hole through which they come in.

In the course of offering our service to women who have fibroid, we have made some discoveries.

Several of them have gone for surgical removal of the tumour. However, most of them who do find that within three years of removal, the growth returns.

Why is this so?

Susceptibility: Black Women And White Women

Because there is no known cause of fibroid, there is no one thing that one could tackle and end the ordeal.

However, there are so many combinations that could bring result and keep the fibroids small and of no harm.

Sadly, research has shown that black women are particularly at high risk of developing fibroid, and this is according to a 2009 study.

Broccoli is one of the green vegetables recommended
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The report read: “Ultrasound screening for leiomyomas (fibroids) in randomly selected members of a large urban healthcare plan estimated that black women had over an 80% cumulative incidence of leiomyomas by age 50.

“White women had nearly a 70% cumulative incidence of leiomyomas by the same age”.

Again, a number of studies have shown that black women have leiomyomas at younger ages and have more hysterectomies and myomectomies at earlier ages than white women. Myomectomies [my-o-MEK-tuh-mea] is a surgical procedure to remove uterine fibroids).

Causes Of Fibroid

There are no major known causes of fibroid growth. However, there are reliable research-based information on what fuels or lowers the growth.

It ranges from genetics, estrogen and progesterone, growth hormones, micronutrients, such as iron, that the body needs only small amounts of in the blood and then major stresses.

This highlights that there could be several things working together to cause the growth of fibroid.

However, there are also things that would reduce the growth of this tumour.

These are the things that women who are experiencing this condition or those who want to reduce their risk could do.

Interestingly, stopping the growth is possible and all it requires is eating the right foods and maintaining some habits.

Making few lifestyle adjustments could be the major thing to do to lower the risk of fibroid growth.

Know Foods That Fuel Growth

Certainly, if there are things that fuel the growth of the tumour, eliminating those things should be the first thing to do.

Sugar And Tumour

Research has shown that every cell in your body uses blood sugar (glucose) for energy.

However, cancer cells use about 200 times more than normal cells.

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They need huge amounts of sugar to fuel their growth and this is why you should reduce intake of sugar. Processed sugar most especially should be removed.

Alcohol And Caffeine

A 2014 study showed that there is a relationship between alcohol and caffeine intake with a risk of developing fibroids.

Other Things That Fuel Fibroid Growth


Estrogen and progesterone are two hormones that stimulate development of the uterine lining during each menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy and they appear to promote the growth of fibroids.

Stress And Fibroid

One of the very things that unsettles hormones is stress.

As a result, there is need to manage your stress level as a woman to low risk of developing fibroid.

Engaging in workouts also helps you relax.

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Fibroid: 6 Things You Should Know

While researchers are still examining the impact of stress on fibroids, some studies suggest the two may be linked.

Interestingly, there are things that you can do to lower stress level.

Try relaxation techniques, engage in yoga, massage, castor oil and hot water bag treatment. They can help manage your stress.

Foods To Eat

On the flip side, eating certain foods will help lower the risk of growth.

Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables.

A recent study found that eating plenty of fruits like apples and tomatoes, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage, could lower the risk of developing fibroids.

Broccoli is one of the green vegetables recommended
Broccoli is one of the green vegetables recommended

Also, making healthier choices with your food, like eating organic fruits and vegetables and whole-grain foods could help improve your symptoms.

Keep an eye on your blood pressure, since researchers have also shown a strong link between fibroids and high blood pressure.

Talk to your doctor about how to manage your blood pressure, either with diet, lifestyle, or medication.

If you are interested in following a meal plan that will help bring relief, our health coach could be of assistance.



  1. My wife did fibroids 3years ago yet not pregnant, it’ has grown again still no pregnancy what do I do now

    1. Thank you for the comment. We also empathise with you on the situation. We trust God to change the situation.

      Kindly chat with us on WhatsApp [+2347061120963] on this issue.

      We have natural remedies that we offer for fibroid cases and also other fertility boosting products.

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