Menstruation safe hygiene practices to uphold

Menstruation: 5 Safe Hygiene Practices To Uphold

It is common for a lady to begin to notice an infection after her menstruation. Most times, it is candida infection and there is a reason this happens.

Unfortunately, during menstruation, some ladies treat their vagina wrongly.

Well, it is okay to know that your vagina contains bacteria called LactobacillusNot a thing to fear.

This is because lactic acid acidifies the vaginal milieu favouring the proliferation of Lactobacilli and inhibiting the growth of infection-associated organisms (1).

Furthermore, the bacteria ensure that fungus does not grow out of control and cause infection.

Basically, when this fungus grows out of control, that is when you could have yeast infection.

During menstruation, a woman’s chances of catching an infection is higher. This is because there could be imbalance of hormone and this could trigger incontrollable growth of fungus.

Also, some ladies use antibiotics wen they see their period and these could also kill off good bacteria and lead to a yeast infection.

Safe Hygiene Practices During Menstruation

Therefore, during menstruation, it is important for a woman to carry on with some safe hygiene practices.

They will help ensure that you stay safe from infection during your menstruation and after.

1.     It Is Okay To Shave Before Your Period

Shaving before period helps ensure that blood stains do not hang around for bad bacteria to breed.

Unfortunately, ladies who allow their sanitary pad stay longer than it should, are more prone to getting infection.

However, if you shave clean and ensure that you follow the recommended time your pad should be changed you will lower chances of infection.

2.     Use A Pad-Changing Time Alarm

Fortunately your phone has an alarm and it could come handy here.

All you need to do is to first understand that you have to change your pad after every 4 hours. You can do even less time.

Also Read: Vaginal Infection: 2 Easy Ways To Use Clove For Treatment

This ensures that there is no chance for bad bacteria to form around your vagina area before you change it.

It helps you stay clean and keep infection away.

With an alarm, it becomes easier to remember and change.

3.     Avoid Sugary Things

It is okay to let you know that bacteria also thrive where there is so much sugar.

Intake of sugary drinks is not good for you and it is even worse during menstruation.

The drink could alter your hormone and create an environment that will allow bacteria thrive.

As much as you can, avoid taking these drinks. Instead take juice from fresh fruits.

This will even help your body produce soothing effects for the menstrual pain.

4.     Clean Up Properly With Wipe Or Water Each Time You Change

When you are changing your pad, it is important that you give good attention to how you handle that process.

If you let blood drop anywhere, you could be setting a trap for yourself or another person who may come in contact with it.

Therefore, it is important that you clean your changing area well after you change and wash your hands.

You could touch your phone with that hand and further transfer bacterial to another person.

Hygiene is absolutely important during your menstruation and after.

You should make it a lifestyle to always clean-up well, especially at a time the world is fighting this terrible ‘shape-shifting’ coronavirus.

5.     Use Good And Approved Absorbent Sanitary Towels

Finally, take few seconds or minutes to read the label of the towel you are about to buy. Do not just buy because people use it or because it is cost effective.

Some sanitary towels do not absorb well and they could cause infection.

There are so many of them out there. But a good towel should absorb and also last for hours, holding the flow.

For a woman, the vagina is one major source of infection and how you care for it is important during your your menstruation.

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Thank you for reading. We desire that you are in good health and prosper….

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