How to know if you are ovulating

Am I Ovulating? Here Is How To Know

Not being sure whether you are ovulating or not is a big issue. For every woman who wants to conceive, ovulation is very important.

If you are not ovulating, it is not possible to get pregnant. Except it is a miracle by God.

What Is Ovulation?

For this reason, it is important that you should know when you are ovulating.

When you do, you will be able to take advantage of the time and have regular intercourse throughout the period.

For emphasis sake, ovulation is when an egg is released from one of your ovaries. That egg needs to be fertilised by a sperm for conception to occur.

Unfortunately, not every woman is able to determine this phenomenon.

To know if you are ovulating, you will need to work it out by doing little calculations.

There are few things that you can do to be sure whether you are ovulating or not.

1.     Understand Your Menstrual Cycle

Truly, understanding your menstrual cycle is the first thing that will help you know if you are ovulating.

Basically, knowing the length of your menstrual cycle helps. This is because ovulation usually occurs around 10 to 16 days before your period starts (1).

However, your menstrual cycle needs to also be regular for you to be able to work this out. If it is not regular, you have more work to do.

Of course, when it is not regular, there is often a reason for that. Seeing a doctor will be a good way to find out.

2.      Watch Out For Cervical Mucus

Your cervical mucus will also help you understand if you are ovulating or not.

When it is around your ovulation time, you may notice wetter, clearer and more slippery mucus.

Once you notice this, begin to copulate with your partner throughout for the next 6 days. Have sexual intercourse at different times so that you will have a better chance of conceiving.

Our Article On: How To Know When Egg Is Released For Fertilisation Will Help You Understand Better.

Once egg is released, there is a timeframe that it would stay without a sperm fertilising it. Once the time passes, the chance of conception is gone.

3.      Your Body Temperature Indicates You Are Ovulating

Another way of knowing if you are ovulating is your body temperature.

Begin to observe your body temperature once it is 10 days after your menstrual period.

It is okay to have a thermometer at home to measure with. Do not use the back of your hand to check. Your hand is not a measurement tool. 

There is usually a small rise in your body temperature after ovulation takes place.

You may be able to detect this small rise with a thermometer.

Check your temperature like three times every day if possible so that you can catch the right time.

Note that it should not be done after walking in the sun.

Relax for several minutes in a cool place and then check it.

4.     Get Ovulation Predictor Kits

With ovulation kits you will be able to also know if you are ovulating.

The ovulating predictor kits help detect hormone levels increase that happens around the time of ovulation.

Basically, the kits measure the level of hormones in your urine.

While you try to know if you are ovulating, try a combination of some of these and you will surely get it.

Other Ovulation Signs

For some women, when they are ovulating, they experience breast tenderness, bloating and mild tummy pain.

However, these are not a reliable way of predicting your ovulation. They could be signs of other conditions too.

How To Know If You Are Not Ovulating

Well, this is now simple. When you check and there is no sign of these conditions mentioned above, you should see a doctor.

When you are not ovulating, there will be absence of cervical mucus that indicates there is an ovulation.

This, most especially, is the major thing to look out for to know whether or not you need to see a doctor and discuss about your ovulation.


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